Thursday, November 23, 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hypocrisy, thy name be Perot

Remember Ross Perot warning of the giant sucking sound of the NAFTA during his presidential campaigns? I guess he's changed his mind.

When billionaire H. Ross Perot ran for president in 1992, he warned that the torrent of American jobs headed south of the border as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement would create "a giant sucking sound." On Friday, the outsourcing company founded by Perot, where he serves as chairman emeritus, disclosed that it's opening a new service center in Mexico.
Then again, it is Ross Perot. Who really cares?

Hat tip to Biz Net Daily

Let’s make sure the Defeatocrats use this guy in 2008

Couldn’t pass this up when I saw it. Terri Schaivo’s husband, who actively worked for her death, seems to be campaign poison.

After he successfully won a court order to kill Terri Schiavo via euthanasia, the disabled woman’s former husband Michael pledged to take on pro-life advocates and formed a political action committee to defeat them. However, the candidates Michael campaigned for during the 2006 mid-term elections didn’t fare very well.

In fact, every candidate Michael personally campaigned for during the election cycle went down to defeat.
But wait, there's more.
Schiavo said that, while Terri’s family works to make sure the disabled and elderly get proper medical care, he will do anything necessary to go after pro-life lawmakers who voted for the bill to support them and back candidates who think assisted suicide and euthanasia is okay.

”I will go as far as I need to go,” Schiavo said.

He indicated he will campaign for candidates in other states and likely speak out about the 2008 presidential elections.
Someone get this man next to Hillary!

Hat tip to World Net Daily

Happy Veterans Day

As the old saying goes,

If you can read this, thank a teacher.
If you can read this in english, thank a Veteran.

And take a trip over to Michelle Malkin's Hot Air and watch her interviews with some of the remaining Doolittle Raiders.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Pray for our troops

Please, please, please pray for our men and women fighting against terrorism.

They have just seen their nation elect a majority of representatives and senators who want us to cut our losses and run away from the enemy. Their morale cannot be good. Many of them might be questioning what they are doing and why they are doing it. Please pray for them, for their leaders, and for all of their spirits that they might know that what they are doing is vital and appreciated.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Discipline hurts

But when we stray off course, discipline is needed. Hopefully the Republicans will learn from this experience. Get back on course. Be conservative. Prosecute the War Against Terror properly. Seal the border. Make the tax cuts permanent.

And do not avoid the lesson of this election. When Repulicans behave like Democrats, Republicans lose. When Republicans behave like conservatives, Republicans win. See Reagan, Ronald.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Only Issue This Election Day

A Democrat writes of what is important today.

If control of the House passes into Democratic hands, there are enough withdraw-on-a-timetable Democrats in positions of prominence that it will not only seem to be a victory for our enemies, it will be one.

Unfortunately, the opposite is not the case -- if the Republican Party remains in control of both houses of Congress there is no guarantee that the outcome of the present war will be favorable for us or anyone else.

But at least there will be a chance.

I say this as a Democrat, for whom the Republican domination of government threatens many values that I hold to be important to America's role as a light among nations.

But there are no values that matter to me that will not be gravely endangered if we lose this war. And since the Democratic Party seems hellbent on losing it -- and in the most damaging possible way -- I have no choice but to advocate that my party be kept from getting its hands on the reins of national power, until it proves itself once again to be capable of recognizing our core national interests instead of its own temporary partisan advantages.

[Bold emphasis mine]
Via The Ornery Amerian

If 11 million Iraqis can vote...

You can too.

Today is the day

Monday, November 06, 2006

We know how the terrorists would vote...

As illustrated by Glen McCoy at The Funnies on

And backed up by this story at

And the Defeatocrats have nothing to say about it.

Hat tip to Power Line

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saddam Hussein sentenced to death


Now he is eligible for permanent rehabilitation.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A John F. Kerry video round-up

So many videos in different places, had to get 'em all in one post.

First, John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, belittles our soldiers on Monday.

President Bush reacts on Tuesday:

Kerry, who served in Vietnam, criticizes the troops in 2005 on Face the Nation:

Kerry, who served in Vietnam, criticizes the troops in 1971 on Meet the Press:

This is a long one (3:35), but it's a really well done summary of Kerry's pre-war statements.

And, of course, the fundamental Kerry flip flop:

Aren't you glad he's not our President?