Saturday, November 17, 2007

Book Review: Hell To Pay

The late, great Barbara Olson was a brainy woman. As a passenger on board American Airlines Flight 77, she was among the first to perish in the War Against Terror. In her honor, a yearly lecture is presented at the Federalist Society. Her husband, then Solicitor General Ted Olson, gave the first of these lectures in on November 16, 2001. In summing up his wife's life he said,
It was typically Barbara that when Al Regnery suggested that she write a book about Hillary Rodham Clinton, she literally jumped at the chance. She told me at the time that she wasn't sure that she was a writer, but a friend of ours told her that she didn't have to be a writer to be an author. So, with her legendary energy and limitless self-confidence, she poured herself into the book, finished it in nine months and, against seemingly insurmountable odds, without any previous experience with serious writing, climbed onto the New York Times best seller list during the heaviest competitive time of the year, and stayed there for nine weeks. Ten days ago, her second book, written in about six months and finished just days before her death, opened at number two on the New York Times bestseller list, ahead of Bill O'Reilly, Jack Welch and Tiger Woods. Not bad.

Barbara was everywhere in Washington. A witness for Clarence Thomas at his confirmation, a co-founder of the Independent Women's Forum, hosting Federalist Society members from all over the country in her home, at the epicenter of the travel office and filegate investigations, and the China campaign contributions investigation, the second-most invited guest on "Larry King Live," appearing on MSNBC, FOX, "Meet the Press," "Cross-Fire," "Geraldo," "Politically Incorrect," you name it. Ready to talk about any subject, ready to face down any adversary. She always had an opinion. And she always had that smile.

I could tell you Barbara stories for hours, and I think that you would be glad to listen. But, in short, Barbara partook of everything life gave her. She saw no limits in the people around her and she accepted no limits on what she could accomplish. She could be charming, tough, indefatigable, ferocious and lovable. And all those things at once.

Barbara was Barbara because America, unlike anyplace in the world, gave her the space, freedom, oxygen, encouragement and inspiration to be whatever she wanted to be. Is there any other place on earth where someone could do all these things in forty-five years?

So, sadly, and ironically, Barbara may have been the perfect victim for these wretched, twisted, hateful people. Because she was so thoroughly and hugely an American. And such a symbol of America's values, ideals, and robust ambition. But she died as she lived. Fighting, believing in herself, and determined to succeed. And, if she was the perfect victim, she is also a perfect symbol of what we are fighting for now and for why we will prevail.
Ms. Olson's first book, Hell To Pay, shows us the real Hillary Rodham Clinton. We learn about her first forays into funding Defeat-ocrat candidates with federal tax dollars. We learn about her first acts of enabling her husband's lascivious behaviour. We learn about her exposure to liberalism in law school and her study of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. And we learn why children are so very important to her, politically.

We also see, on almost every page, a combination of shock, amazement, and revulsion at what a person will do for personal power. That's because Mrs. Olson, like so many people, was the anti-Hillary. Where Mrs. Olson would have seen the best in people, Hillary sees either an asset to be used or an enemy to be investigated and crushed. Where Mrs. Olson would answer questions forthrightly, Hillary will evade or prevaricate or do whatever must be done in order to avoid the truth.

A telling excerpt:
There is another side to their early relationship. Hillary was well acquainted with Arkansas long before she moved to Fayetteville. She had lived in Arkansas for part of 1974, when Bill Clinton had decided to run against incumbent Republican Congressman John Paul Hammerschmidt. The Clintons and their boosters rarely talk about that race, and for good reason. It was during this time that Hillary learned all too well what kind of husband Bill Clinton would make.

Two legacies were created during this period. First, in the Clinton marriage, the personal fused with the political. The risks that Bill Clinton took with his relationship with Hillary were inseparable from the risks he took with his own career.

The second legacy is the need for what Clinton consultant and friend Dick Morris called "the secret police." Hillary learned about private investigators in her work on behalf of the Black Panthers and the Communist apologists Robert Treuhaft and Jessica Mitford. Now Hillary was constantly checking up on bill, not just to learn the extent of his betrayals, but to assess the danger he posed to their joint political career.

Hillary began her surveillance of bill during this period in simple ways, eavesdropping and checking his desk. While Hillary knew Bill was cheating, she didn't know that Mary Lee Fray—the woman charged with making Hillary more attractive—was also the shepherd who kept the doors revolving so that Hillary never umped into what she called "Bill's special friends." Clinton campaign coordinator Neal McDonald remembered that Bill "had a girl friend in every county."

While Hillary assumed that her intellect would keep Bill at her side, Mary Lee Fray lamented that Hillary "had a weight problem and she wouldn't diet.... She didn't have a body for a dress. So I told her to at least buy some nice underclothes."

If it came to a choice between changing her lingerie or snooping on Bill, Hillary preferred to search for scraps of paper with phone numbers on them and tear them up, mutilating the paper as though it were a Black Panther informant betraying Bobby Seale to "the pigs."
With liberals, and most certainly with Mrs. Clinton, it's all about personal power; accumulating it, maintaining it, and exercising it. This book covers all three. I consider this book an indispensable guide into the mind of Mrs. Clinton. If you want to know how Her Vileness became Her Vileness and why she acts the way she does, read this book.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Finally, Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila has been arrested for smuggling drugs

It's about time.

Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, the drug smuggler who testified for the prosecution during the trials for Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, has been arrested on charges of bringing more than 750 pounds of marijuana into the United States.

Aldrete-Davila was arrested today at the El Paso border crossing on charges involving what has become know as the "second load," in which he smuggled a second 750-pound load of marijuana into the U.S. after he was given immunity by the prosecutor, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, for the first load
More than two years after transporting over 750 pounds of marijuana across our southern border, this cretin is finally behind bars. That is, after receiving medical care paid for by United States taxpayers for a bullet wound in his buttocks. And after receiving a Department of Homeland Security border pass card from District Attorney Johnny "Satan" Sutton. And after testifying against Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean, who now sit in federal prison in conditions worse that terrorists receive.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Personal Responsibility - it's outdated

Via NewsMax comes this story about personal responsibility and its lack of being mentioned in the drive-by media.

Major news outlets are largely ignoring personal responsibility in their coverage of a recent increase in loan foreclosures, according to a new report from the Business & Media Institute (BMI).

"Everyone who enters into any kind of financial agreement should be expected to read and understand the documents he or she is signing, and if they don't, they shouldn't sign the papers," the report stated. "This was clearly not the position the evening news programs took."
And here's the first six points of the report:
Irresponsible Borrowers off the Hook: Sixty-two percent of the stories on the three networks ignored the consumer's responsibility for debt. Just as many portrayed borrowers as victims, such as the North Carolina family "living off peanut butter and jelly" just to make the mortgage payment.

Business Gets a Black Eye: Lenders and related companies were blamed for borrowers' debt trouble six times as often as borrowers. ABC and NBC even blamed the National Football League for retired players' financial woes.

A Penny Saved or Spent: While network reporters occasionally complained about Americans' negative savings rate, the ideas of savings and thrift were virtually ignored throughout the nine-month period. Only 14 percent of debt-related stories mentioned a savings or thrift theme.

Scary Words about the Economy: Exaggerated descriptions were often used to describe the economy. the terms "economic tsunami," "chaos," "crisis" and "meltdown" painted a bleak scenario that could undermine consumer confidence. Networks included doom-and-gloom remarks from ordinary people and experts 88 times, and the term "recession" was mentioned 10 times.

NBC the Worst: "Nightly News" blamed business nine times as often as borrowers (19 to 2), and tied with "World News with Charles Gibson" in ignoring the issue of personal responsibility. Both networks omitted it in 66 percent of the stories but NBC outdid itself with its poor coverage.

CBS the Best: CBS was the network most likely to address or promote personal responsibility and also had eight stories promoting savings. The "Evening News" also portrayed fewer people as victims than the other networks.
I am very glad to see this. I've been wondering, as news of banking write downs becomes more common, when someone would talk about the fact that these people (the borrowers) should have known what they were getting into. The fact that they cannot now pay their inflated mortgage payments is their problem alone, not the banks' and most certainly not the taxpayers'.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Lesson learned: don't use your Mom as an asset on the campaign trail if she's a little loony. Start at 4:57.

Yikes. John, you're not going to be president. And you certainly won't be president by using your Mom as a campaign spokesperson.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

We are drinking from wells we did not dig

My pastor used this phrase this morning to describe our veterans. (He had heard it Friday night at a Veteran's Day event.) It accurately describes the times in which we live. We are blessed to live in a free nation today because so many American Veterans have sacrificed their time, their treasure, and their lives for this purpose.

Nowhere in history can you find a nation that (in the comparatively short span of a little over two hundred years) secures and provides freedom for all its citizens, has been blessed with an incredible level of prosperity, and assists other countries in pursuing both of these.

What a blessing to live in the United States of America, made possible in large part by American Veterans.

If you can read, thank your teacher.
If you can read in English, thank a veteran.
UPDATE - Google, for the first time, has honored America's Veterans.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mrs. Clinton is no Iron Lady

The effortlessly brilliant Peggy Noonan has compared her vileness, Mrs. Clinton, to the real Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher, and found the former lacking.

In fact, she wasn't so much a woman as a lady. I remember a gentleman who worked with her speaking of her allure, how she'd relax after a late-night meeting and you'd walk by and catch just the faintest whiff of perfume, smoke and scotch. She worked hard and was tough. One always imagined her lightly smacking some incompetent on the head with her purse, for she carried a purse, as a lady would. She is still tough. A Reagan aide told me that after she was incapacitated by a stroke she flew to Reagan's funeral in Washington, went through the ceremony, flew with Mrs. Reagan to California for the burial, and never once on the plane removed her heels. That is tough.

The point is the big ones, the real ones, the Thatchers and Indira Gandhis and Golda Meirs and Angela Merkels, never play the boo-hoo game. They are what they are, but they don't use what they are. They don't hold up their sex as a feint: Why, he's not criticizing me, he's criticizing all women! Let us rise and fight the sexist cur.
Ms. Noonan goes on the write about the reaction we've seen to Mrs. Clinton's whining and her change of tactics in playing the "can't hit a girl" card. And she captures Lady Thatcher beautifully. I recommend a read.

Friday, November 09, 2007

BORDER - a Chris Burgard film

If you live in Houston, Sugarland, or Katy, you really need to go see the film BORDER. It will be in Katy on Wednesday, November 14, and in Sugarland and northwest Houston on Thursday, November 15.

I have seen it. The film will open your eyes as to what really happens on our southern border with Mexico. You will see and hear from eyewitnesses about the Minutemen, Coyotes, and FBI agents investigating the film makers. You'll see infrared footage of a mule train (human mules, that is) carrying millions of dollars worth of illegal drugs into our country. And you'll wonder how many OTMs have worked their way into our country.

Chris Burgard was told that he would never get this film made. He proved Hollywood wrong. Of course, there's no way Hollywood will help him out now. But you can. Even if you don't live in Houston, you can buy the DVD.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Vaccine experts are confused and dismayed? Really?

Sometimes it seems like the world is going crazy.

AIDS vaccine researchers are worried about the future of their field after learning an experimental HIV vaccine not only does not work, but just might make recipients more susceptible to infection with the AIDS virus.

They are worried about their volunteers and the future of AIDS vaccines in general. And they are worried because they cannot understand how a vaccine would make a person more vulnerable.
Really? They can't understand why their vaccine doesn't work? Let me break it down. It's called a virus. We cannot cure viruses. We don't even have a cure for the virus that causes the common cold. We simply let it run its course (and take more vitamin C). And HIV is a whole lot more complex than the common cold virus. How could these people possibly think that they can come up with a virus in only twenty years of trying.

Don't get me wrong, I do have compassion for the sick. And it would be phenomenal for a virus to be discovered. And our country's pharmaceutical industry offers the best hope of that happening. But we're talking about a behaviourally-spread disease here. The best way to cure the disease is to not get it, and the best way to not get the disease is to not engage in behaviour that leads to it.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy

Yes, it's true.

"It is my pleasure to announce my support for America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a proven leader who is not afraid of what lies ahead and who will cast a hopeful vision for all Americans," Robertson said during a news conference with Giuliani in Washington.


"Rudy Giuliani took a city that was in decline and considered ungovernable and reduced its violent crime, revitalized its core, dramatically lowered its taxes, cut through a welter of bureaucratic regulations, and did so in the spirit of bipartisanship which is so urgently needed in Washington today," Robertson said.
Mr. Robertson understands what's at stake here. Being pro-life (among many other things) is useless if there's not a freedom-preserving nation in which to be pro-life. I hope other evangelicals will follow suit.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

A confession and a list

Here's a confession, dear reader.

Back in April, the Light Bulb household got TiVo. (That's not the confession.) It is both wonderful and awful at the same time. Wonderful because it lets you search and digitally record television shows via an intuitive interface based on your own preferences. Awful because it enables you to record lots of television to watch at some point in the future, potentially filling up any available free time you might have.

Now this technology has allowed the Light Bulb family to do a much better job of recording our favorite programs when we're not around. For Mrs. Light Bulb, one of these programs is (sigh) One Life to Live. Shortly after TiVo arrived at the Light Bulb house, I was asked to set up a "Season Pass" for One Life to Live. This is a feature that enables you to record any and every episode of a certain program whenever it appears. Therefore, an episode of One Life to Live gets recorded by the TiVo almost every weekday for our later viewing pleasure, usually that evening. Notice I said "our". Yes, dear readers, I have become hooked. On a soap opera.

Perhaps it's the morbid curiosity of seeing characters go through situations that could never possibly happen in real life that draws me in. Whatever it is, I'm not proud of it. Nevertheless, there are high points, and here is one of them. Along the lines of Timothy McSweeney's Internet Tendency Lists, I have compiled a list (sure to grow) which I hope you will enjoy. To wit...

Lines I Have Heard Characters Say on the Soap Opera One Life to Live Which I Would Truly Never, Ever Expect to Hear from Any of My Friends or Family in Real Life, EVER

  1. Back when my dad was on death row...

  2. Mom, did you send dad back to jail, again?

  3. There's only room for one selfish jerk in this relationship, baby, and that's me.

  4. How many broken marriages to the same man do you need to have before you realize the two of you don't work?
Thank you. That is all.

Friday, November 02, 2007

God Bless Governor Matt Blunt of Missouri

I don't know if he's a Defeat-ocrat or a Republican, but Gov. Matt Blunt is doing the right thing on immigration, so I like him.

Minor traffic violations do not usually warrant a press release from a governor. But when state police stopped a van on a Missouri road for "following too closely" and found it was carrying 10 presumed illegal immigrants, Gov. Matt Blunt was quick to tout the incident as part of a new state program to hunt down undocumented aliens.

"We will make every effort, implement every tool, and take every step to ensure the laws against illegal immigration are enforced," declared Blunt, announcing the arrests as he pursued tough new measures to push undocumented immigrants out of the state.
Way to go, Matt!

But wait, there's more! In Oklahoma!
Oklahoma's new law is widely seen as the toughest in the nation, making it a felony to transport or harbor people without legal status, requires local law enforcement and businesses to enforce federal immigration restrictions, and reduces public benefits for illegal immigrants.

"Illegal aliens will not come to Oklahoma or anywhere else if there are no jobs waiting for them. They will not stay here if there is no government subsidy," said the law's sponsor, Oklahoma Rep. Randy Terrill, a Republican who believes the measure will make illegal immigrants "self deport."
Way to go, Randy! Self deportation! I love it!

Now, Matt and Randy, I have one small request for you. Would you please talk to Governor Rick "39%" Perry? He desperately needs to hear about this.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

First television ads from Ron Paul

Ron Paul has launched the first television ads of his 2008 campaign in New Hampshire.


  • he's got cash to burn?
  • he wants to appear relevant?
  • he likes seeing himself on television?
  • his (incredibly organized) supporters voted for television ads in their internal polling?
Pick one. Doesn't really matter. Because...he's a kook.

Yes, I know. You Paulaholics are organized and passionate (see the comments to my previous post on the subject). That's a wonderful thing. I just wish you could be organized and passionate about a candidate who has a chance of winning.