Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Defeat-ocrats are the ones who voted down the "bailout" bill

One more thing that is truly bugging me about all this and most assuredly hasn't received the attention it needs.

Republicans are not the ones who voted down this bill. Defeat-ocrats are the ones who voted down this ridiculous "bailout" bill. 218 votes are needed for a simple majority. There are 235 Defeat-ocrats in the house. Notice how 235 is greater than 218? Not one single Republican vote was needed to get this repugnant bill passed. The Defeat-ocrats—the ones who don't want us to win in war, the ones who regularly pit class against class in their own country, the ones who see government as the solution to every problem—are responsible for the "bailout" being voted down. Their goal was to get just enough votes from Republicans to hang the responsibility for Socialism on Republican necks. Praise God Almighty it didn't work.

So when Bug Eyes gets or one of her mind-numbed minions gets on television and spews the lie about Republicans defeating the bill, make sure you call her a liar to her bug-eyed face.

Yesterday, we almost became France

I haven't seen a lot of mention of this today, so I want to make sure to get it in black and white.

We almost became France (or Russia or Venezuela) yesterday with this stupid, government-purchasing "bailout" of Wall Street. The Federal Government would have purchased mortgages. If the Federal Government purchases something, it can direct what happens with that something. This is a frightening prospect. It is called Socialism. Government owns stuff/everything, and it can direct what happens with stuff/everything. As Jeb Hensarling said yesterday, "if we lose our ability to fail, we will soon lose our ability to succeed." This is what France is. It's why nothing much comes out of France anymore, besides wine and cheese. They spend two months in the summer on government-mandated vacation, and nothing gets done. Their national productivity is awful. We don't want that. And if this "bailout" nightmare had passed, there would have been no turing back. It would have changed the American economy forever. Forever.

So, a huge "thank you" today goes to the House Republicans who stood on Free Market principles and said "no" to Socialism. Stay strong, and get some of your friends to come back to the Free Market side. The Defeat-ocrats and the Lame-Duck-in-Chief aren't going to quit anytime soon.


When I heard that Boehner had agreed to the deal, I was really concerned. Thankfully, the rest of the Republicans stayed strong. And even more thankfully, Bug Eyes is the most ineffectual Speaker of the House in modern history. This black-hearted, swill-spewing, ultra-partisan hag couldn't even count the members of her party before having a vote. She wound up needing eleven more Defeat-ocrats to seal the deal.

Oh, and this ranting squeal didn't help things either:

Now, let's embark on some Free Market reforms that might actually help the situation: changing the accounting rules to bring them in-line with reality, suspending the repatriation tax, suspending or even fully cutting the capital gains tax. We don't need Socialism in order to fix Capitalism.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

House Republicans, just continue to say "NO"!

Please, please, please, just say "no" to any bailout bill that comes forward. We need to educate the public about the Defeat-ocrat lies that the bailout needs to be bi-partisan. If the Defeat-ocrats want this ridiculous bill, the Defeat-ocrats can vote for it and pass it all by themselves. They do not need any Republican votes to get it done. The only reason that Bug Eyes wants Republicans to vote for it is to provide cover for her minions when they turn on the Republicans five seconds after Bush signs it into law.

You're doing a terrific job, so far. Stay strong. Just continue to say "no".

Friday, September 26, 2008

Need money on Wall Street?

There's a one very simple thing to be done. It will solve a whole lot of the problem, and it will prevent the need for taxpayers to reward gamblers. Here it is: eliminate the Capital Gains tax. Then get out of the way for the flood of money that will come pouring back into the country. No taxpayer bailout will be needed.

Of course, this isn't about solving the problem. It's all about Defeat-ocrats gaining more control of our lives. And blaming Republicans for it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Bush SHOULD say tonight

From Scrappleface via The Power Line:

“To sustain this shining city on a hill,” Mr. Bush said, “we need to rescue the ignorant, irresponsible folks — from Wall Street to Capitol Hill to Main Street — who got us to where we are today. We must guarantee that no American suffers the soft bigotry of being forced to live with the consequences of his bad decisions.”

The president, in remarks to the news media clearly aimed at reluctant Republicans in Congress, said, “Our financial system rests on a foundation of huge banks, brokerage houses and quasi-governmental agencies that followed Washington’s lead by gambling on long-shot, poorly-collateralized investments. Now this glorious way of life is threatened, and we must act to preserve it.”

Text of President Bush's address to the nation tonight seeking support for government takeover of part of the economy

We already know what he'll say:

Mo money!
Make me sick.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sarah Palin ROCKED Charlie Gibson's world, and he may realize it in a week or two

From their summary of the Gibson-Palin interview at The Power Line:

One of the problems with this type of interview is that the reporter—here, Charlie Gibson—thinks he is "vetting" the candidate on behalf of the people. But if you read the interview, you can see that the candidate's IQ is 30 or 40 points higher than the reporter's, and Gibson doesn't do a particularly good job of keeping up. It's safe to conclude, though, that just about anyone who watched the interview will think that Governor Palin acquitted herself admirably.
Keep it up, Sarah. The lefties are scared to death of you. And that warms my heart.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Hot damn! Sarah Palin ROCKS!

Before I continue, let me be perfectly clear: I love Mrs. Light Bulb. Second only to my salvation, Mrs. Light Bulb is the most valuable gift Almighty God has ever given to me. She is the best friend I have in this world, she is my exotic-eyed lover, and a wonderful wife.

But did you see Sarah Palin last week? Hot damn! I'm truly beginning to believe some of the little known facts about this woman.

There is so much to like:

  • She can wear a skirt and looks great in it
  • Her life story has no holes and is quintessentially American
  • She is the most popular governor of all 50
  • She has more executive experience than the other three guys combined
  • She has actually accomplished things for her constituents
  • She shoots guns and kills wild animals with them
  • She's a real feminist - her achievements come with hard work and without whining
Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, sums up the situation exquisitely with three "thank yous". First, for He-whose-middle-name-must-not-be-spoken:
He lacked the confidence or the strength to ask Hillary Clinton, recipient of some 18 million votes, to join him on the ticket. Such a ticket, uniting and exciting the Democratic party, would have been hard to beat in this Democratic year. Having ruled out Clinton, Obama then lacked the nerve to double down on the theme of change, by selecting, say, Virginia governor Tim Kaine or Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius. A change versus experience election wouldn't have been a bad bet for Obama. Instead, he settled on an unimpressive vice presidential pick, a long-time, long-winded overrated senator from a safe state, who gave him no lift at all in the polls, and offers no prospect of doing so.
Sweet. Then, for Senator McCain.
He showed guts with his pick of Sarah Palin. He also demonstrated a shrewd strategic sense. He knew that running on experience would carry him only so far—most likely to a respectable defeat. He understood the implications of Obama's passing over Hillary—not that Clinton voters would vote for McCain-Palin (though if even a few do so, it could make a difference), but that his pick of Palin when compared with Obama's shying away from Hillary would show McCain as a bolder and more confident leader.
And then, of course, for the media.
A special thank you to our friends in the liberal media establishment. Who knew they would come through so spectacularly? The ludicrous media feeding frenzy about the Palin family hyped interest in her speech, enabling her to win a huge audience for her smashing success Wednesday night at the convention. Indeed, it even renewed interest in McCain, who seems to have gotten still more viewers for his less smashing—but well-received—presentation the following evening.

The astounding (even to me, after all these years!) smugness and mean-spiritedness of so many in the media engendered not just interest in but sympathy for Palin. It allowed Palin to speak not just to conservatives but to the many Americans who are repulsed by the media's prurient interest in and adolescent snickering about her family. It allowed the McCain-Palin ticket to become the populist standard-bearer against an Obama-Media ticket that has disdain for Middle America.
There's now a conservative in the race. And a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

"In a world..."

I love voice talent, partly because I have a (very) little bit of it, but mostly because I appreciate it so much. Wielding voice talent can be a thing of beauty, so seemingly simple, yet so very difficult to do well.

The king of voice talent, Don LaFontaine, passed away last week.

Watch this: