Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It's been almost two weeks since the election. I would have thought by now, that I would have gotten over the feeling that I was in a bad dream. But I haven't.

It seems as if the words "hope" and "change" hypnotized a majority of the populace into believing that Socialism, inexperience, and a lack of accomplishment, examination, and qualifications were all good things. I keep trying to think of what our founders would say about the situation, and I'm sickened every time.

Here's a fascinating exploration of the question "How did He-whose-middle-name-must-not-be-spoken get elected?" You really need to watch this. It's frightening.

Visit www.howobama.gotelected.com for more info.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dude, can I copy your homework?

Dr. James Hansen, Algore's top Global Warming hysteria henchman, was caught, red-handed, cheating on his homework.

The error was so glaring that when it was reported on the two blogs - run by the US meteorologist Anthony Watts and Steve McIntyre, the Canadian computer analyst who won fame for his expert debunking of the notorious "hockey stick" graph - GISS began hastily revising its figures. This only made the confusion worse because, to compensate for the lowered temperatures in Russia, GISS claimed to have discovered a new "hotspot" in the Arctic - in a month when satellite images were showing Arctic sea-ice recovering so fast from its summer melt that three weeks ago it was 30 per cent more extensive than at the same time last year.

A GISS spokesman lamely explained that the reason for the error in the Russian figures was that they were obtained from another body, and that GISS did not have resources to exercise proper quality control over the data it was supplied with. This is an astonishing admission: the figures published by Dr Hansen's institute are not only one of the four data sets that the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) relies on to promote its case for global warming, but they are the most widely quoted, since they consistently show higher temperatures than the others.
Really. It's way past time to start recoiling from these ideological atrocities for the circus freaks that they are.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Change you can believe in: The Big Zero insults Nancy Reagan at his first press conference.

Hope and Change.

At a news conference in Chicago, Obama said he had spoken with all the living presidents as he prepares to take office in January. Then he smiled and said, "I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any seances."

The 87-year-old former first lady had consulted with astrologers during her husband's presidency. But she did not hold conversations with the dead.

Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said the president-elect later called Mrs. Reagan "to apologize for the careless and offhanded remark." She said Obama "expressed his admiration and affection for Mrs. Reagan that so many Americans share, and they had a warm conversation."
The Big Zero, of course, was confusing Mrs. Reagan with Her Vileness, Mrs. Clinton, who sought to communicate with Eleanor Roosevelt.

Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Racism is now, officially, OVER!

One of the few good things on this depressing morning is that racism in the United States of America is now, officially, over. No more can anyone cry "racism" and be believed. An American of African descent has been elected to our nation's highest office. If anyone does cry "racism" from now on, laugh at them. Loudly. Ridicule them in public for the complete and utter fools that they are. There is no more racism.

By the way, have the waters receded yet?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Start praying

Can it really be true? Have Americans become so utterly stupid as to vote into office an unexamined, unaccomplished, inexperienced, unqualified socialist as their chief executive? Apparently so.

Part of me wants to not care, to just watch the repugnance spread and corrode our society. To have He-whose-middle-name-must-not-be-spoken try to stand up his "National Civilian Security Force" and watch the ACLU debate itself on whether or not to try to stop it. Or to watch people like this:

Ha! This moron actually believes He-whose-middle-name-must-not-be-spoken will pay her gas bill and her house note for her. I'd love to see her face when she realizes that she'll actually pay more taxes. We can weather the economic misery that will come. We got through Carter, we can get through The Big Zero, even though this might be worse.

But the court appointments will truly harm our nation. It will take a generation, perhaps two, to right the coming wave of liberal judicial legislators The Big Zero will appoint to the courts, if it can ever be righted. And he will bring such loss of stature to our country. We will surrender to the terrorists. We will prostrate ourselves to any country with the slightest grievance. He will nationalize health care. We will follow the failed paths of so many nations seeking to become a nanny state for all.

It took a Carter to give us Reagan. Now we have something even worse than Carter. Start praying.