Tuesday, January 20, 2009

O.K. liberals, it's ALL yours now.

Yes, liberals. You now have complete responsibility. You lead all three branches of government. For years and years you've talked about how you'd fix the country if only... Well, "if only" is now here. Let's see it happen without delay.

By the way, President Reagan inherited a much worse situation from Jimmah Carter: double-digit inflation, double-digit unemployment, and sky-high interest rates. The Big Zero has received greater than 93% employment, almost no inflation, and very low interest rates, so I expect him to get this worked out within the year. A cursory study of economic history shows the clear way out of it.

One thing's for sure: there had better not be a SINGLE terrorist attack in the next four years. Not a one.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Compean and Ramos have had their sentences commuted. It's about time, and long, long overdue. Of course, he had to be stubborn about it and do it on his last full day in office. And, showing Carter-like obdurateness, it's not a pardon, it's a commutation. They won't get out of prison until March.

Nevertheless, after more than two years, he finally did the right thing.

Thank you, President Bush. Now please go away.

President Bush, thank you for keeping us safe after the September 11 terrorist attacks. You have been vigilant in defending our nation, and we are thankful. Moreover, you have brought honor and dignity back to the Office of the President. And you correctly pressed for and got tax rate cuts passed that kept our economy growing after the terrorist attacks. Thank you for these things.

But you have brought so much disappointment to conservatives (and yes, I know you're not a conservative).

  • You tried to solve a problem in over-regulated capitalism with socialism. And you've yet to explain the truth about how the sub-prime mortgage situation developed.
  • You continually pushed for amnesty for illegal immigrants, ignoring the facts that they have broken our nation's laws, that they commonly commit identity theft, and that a method for their entry as legitimate citizens already exists.
  • You failed to build up your party. Your decisions left many Republicans unable to defend their offices, not because they eschewed conservative principles, but because you did. You left your party far weaker than when you found it, leaving both houses of congress and the White House in liberal control.
  • You tried once for Social Security reform, and then dropped it. We haven't heard a peep about it since.
  • You have abysmally failed to seal our borders. Every night, hundreds, maybe thousands of illegals cross the border unhindered. Can you guarantee that any of them were not terrorists? I didn't think so.
  • And worst of all, Agents Compean and Ramos still sit in prison despite repeated pleas for their pardon. And Johnny Sutton still has a job.
When your term ends tomorrow, please go away and do not return. Please. Go ride your bike in Crawford or play golf with your Dad and Slick Willie. Whatever you do, just go away.

Oh, and one more thing. It's pronounced nu-CLE-ar, not nu-CUE-lar.