Monday, March 10, 2008

"Client 9" works on his resume

For Defeat-ocrats, this kind of thing is supposed to be resume enhancement.

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer promised voters he would clean up the state's corrupt political ethics, but a report on Monday that he is linked to a prostitution ring is threatening to derail the career of a man once considered a political star.

The 48-year-old Democrat has blazed a national reputation as "Mr. Clean," advocating for the underdog and tackling corporate greed on Wall Street.

Spitzer saw himself following in the footsteps of the state's many well-known governors, from Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt to Nelson Rockefeller, and some speculated he could eventually make a run for the White House.

But on Monday, the New York Times reported Spitzer had been caught on a federal wiretap last month as he arranged to meet a prostitute. Spitzer apologized to his family at a news conference, saying he had violated his, "or any -- sense of right and wrong."
What? You've got to be kidding me. Since when did a Defeat-ocrat worry about "right and wrong"?

Attention Governor Spitzer's staff: you are going about this the completely wrong way. You need to have a party tomorrow, similar to Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's Impeachment Pep Rally. Remember that? After all, this is just about sex. It doesn't really matter. Put the FBI on the defensive. Ask them why they're going around looking at people's sex lives. Tell them they need to get to work solving real crimes.

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