Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Compean and Ramos are free!!!

At long last.

Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean have been released from federal prison after serving more than two years in solitary confinement for the non-fatal shooting of a Mexican drug smuggler.
But, for some strange reason, they're not completely free.
Ramos and Compean were unable to comment Tuesday as they are under a gag order until they are released from federal custody on March 20.

The pair will remain on "supervised release" for a period of up to three years, according to a statement from Ramos' lawyer, David Botsford. Botsford said it was appropriate to commute the pair's sentence in light of the "onerous" conditions they experienced while incarcerated.
Let's pray the Supreme Court takes up their case and reverses the travesty of their convictions.

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