Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Path to 9/11

I watched "The Path to 9/11" tonight, and I hope that makes any moonbat reading this mad as all get out. And yes, I watched the warning slate at the beginning, and the second one at the 8:35 p.m. mark, and the great Lewinsky lie at 8:51, and the third warning slate at the end at 9:40. Just in case you didn't happen to see them during tonight's broadcast (either because you missed it or because ABC edited them out), here are some important scenes from "The Path to 9/11" via RedState.

For some background material that I'm certain didn't make it into the movie, here is a story about a speech William Jefferson Blythe Clinton (our only elected president to be impeached) gave to the Long Island Association on February 15, 2002 where he admitted that he had the chance to extradite Osama Bin Laden and decided not to. Also, here's a more complete list of opportunities we had to capture Bin Laden. (And more classic Clinton quotes.)

By the way, this post is also a means of helping to diffuse the moonbats' Google Bomb that Brit Hume reported a few days ago.

1 comment:

Michael Tams said...

Mr. LB,

For all the finger pointing that goes on when one discusses 9/11 let's pose a couple questions:

1. How many times have we heard that 9/11 was Bush's fault?

2. How many times have we heard that 9/11 was Clinton's fault?

The Left goes so far as to say that Bush actually had something to do with carrying out 9/11, for Pete's sake. The Right finds some responsibility with Clinton, but that's because facts support such a position (check out "Dereliction of Duty" by Buzz Patterson). But you never hear a conservative shrieking: "Monica Lewinsky!" the way that the Left carries on about Halliburton.