Monday, October 23, 2006

Byron Calame channels Emily Litella

Mr. Light Bulb, who is Byron Calame?

He's the public editor for the New York Times. He "responds to complaints and comments from the public and monitors the paper's journalistic practices."

Fine. Who is Emily Litella?

Sometimes I feel so old. Emily Litella was a character played by Gilda Radner during the beginning years of Saturday Night Live. Ms. Litella would opine about something she heard incorrectly, such as "Endangered Feces" (instead of Endangered Species). After the hosting news anchor would interrupt her and point out her error, Ms. Litella would deliver her classic line, "never mind."

And that's exactly what the New York Times has said, through Mr. Calame, about the damage it has inflicted to our national security by exposing the SWIFT terrorist money tracking program. See the in-depth analysis from Michelle Malkin and the Power Line brainiacs.

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