Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hillary is discovering that she's not "the Annointed One"

Yesterday, the junior senator from New York heard an ear full of applause . . . for Barak Obama.

“But whether you were for or against it, we all have an obligation to come up with the best plan to bring our troops home.” He was greeted with whoops of “Love Ya!”.

Mrs Clinton, by contrast, struggled to win over her audience. Reminding it that she recently proposed capping troop levels, some in the crowd shouted out: “What about bringing them home?” Mrs Clinton persevered. “If I’d been president in October 2002 I would not have started this war,” she said. “And if we haven’t ended this war in Congress by January 2009, as President I will!” A carefully choreographed standing ovation by a block Clinton supporters followed, but at least two thirds of those in the Washington Hilton remained seated. [emphasis mine]
Senator Obama, you had better make sure your bodyguards are paid well.

UPDATE - Engram at Back Talk has a wonderful take on the substance of this story.

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