World renowned climatologist John Paul Stevens (who, in his spare time, pretends to be a knowledgeable jurist on the United States Supreme Court) wrote the majority opinion in the Massachusetts vs. EPA case, announced April 4. Here's his first sentence:
A well-documented rise in global temperatures has coincided with a significant increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, he began with
a lie, and continued downhill to its ridiculous conclusion. Therefore, the EPA must now regulate so-called greenhouse gasses emitted from new motor vehicles since, in this instance, failure to do so has supposedly resulted in an eroding of shore line in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (I'm not making this up, even though this particular logic train fell off its tracks miles ago.)
Of course, motor vehicles are not the largest source of greenhouse gasses. No, that distinction belongs to
cow flatulence. (I'm not making this up either. Check out the link.) So, my question is: where is the call from the loony Eco-Bozos demanding that all cows be killed in Massachusetts and its neighboring states? Or, for that matter, all cows on the east coast? Wouldn't that make sense? If cow flatulence is the leading source of greenhouse gasses, and greenhouse gasses are eroding the Massachusetts shore line, then kill all the cows. No more shore line erosion.
Wake me when they get their logic train back on its tracks.