Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hillary's new "Multilingualism"

Read this article that has no bias whatsoever and is most assuredly not written by a Clintonian synchophant.

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday she sees her sometimes Southern accent as a virtue.

"I think America is ready for a multilingual president," Clinton said during a campaign stop at a charter school in Greenville, S.C.
Now how is it that Her Vileness, our nation's first First Lady to be subpoenaed to testify before a Federal Grand Jury, doesn't know the meaning of the word "multilingual"? Or is it perhaps the case that she does in fact know the meaning of the word, but that she's counting on her listeners to NOT know the meaning. I suspect the former. It aligns with her penchant for displaying "breathtaking gall".
Clinton added a Southern lilt to her voice last week when addressing a civil rights group in New York City headed by the Rev. Al Sharpton. On Monday, dealing with a microphone glitch at a fundraiser for young donors, she quoted former slave and underground railroad leader Harriet Tubman.

The two episodes prompted some ribbing in the media and hatched more than a few humorous YouTube video clips.
And here's an example of the new "multilingualism" from YouTube:

Here's a bit of that transcript:
"You know, when I walk into the Oval Office in January of 2009, I'm afraid I'm going to lift up the rug and I'm going to see so much stuff under there."
Yes, your vileness, should you be elected President, you will find a lot of stuff under there, all of it deposited by your husband, the Fornicator-in-Chief. It should be tremendousloy familiar stuff to you. Back to the article:
Clinton is a linguistic polyglot—a Chicago native turned New York resident who works in Washington and spent two decades living in Arkansas when her husband, Bill Clinton, was governor.
This is where the complete bias of the so-called reporter is shown to the world. No, Her Vileness is NOT a linguistic polyglot. Polyglots are people who speak more than one language, NOT people who use more than one dialect. Her Vileness is a power-hungry, political whore whose sole interest is obtaining and maintaining personal political power.

1 comment:

Neocon said...

Great thread and deserves a comment! I hate it when great threads have zero comments! Hellery is a disaster waiting to happen. I just can't wait until after the primaries when the Repub candidate will blast her with her own words. Will be interesting, no doubt! Hope I'm approved for commenting soon!

BTW, I love reading you over at LST!