Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It's been almost two weeks since the election. I would have thought by now, that I would have gotten over the feeling that I was in a bad dream. But I haven't.

It seems as if the words "hope" and "change" hypnotized a majority of the populace into believing that Socialism, inexperience, and a lack of accomplishment, examination, and qualifications were all good things. I keep trying to think of what our founders would say about the situation, and I'm sickened every time.

Here's a fascinating exploration of the question "How did He-whose-middle-name-must-not-be-spoken get elected?" You really need to watch this. It's frightening.

Visit www.howobama.gotelected.com for more info.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dude, can I copy your homework?

Dr. James Hansen, Algore's top Global Warming hysteria henchman, was caught, red-handed, cheating on his homework.

The error was so glaring that when it was reported on the two blogs - run by the US meteorologist Anthony Watts and Steve McIntyre, the Canadian computer analyst who won fame for his expert debunking of the notorious "hockey stick" graph - GISS began hastily revising its figures. This only made the confusion worse because, to compensate for the lowered temperatures in Russia, GISS claimed to have discovered a new "hotspot" in the Arctic - in a month when satellite images were showing Arctic sea-ice recovering so fast from its summer melt that three weeks ago it was 30 per cent more extensive than at the same time last year.

A GISS spokesman lamely explained that the reason for the error in the Russian figures was that they were obtained from another body, and that GISS did not have resources to exercise proper quality control over the data it was supplied with. This is an astonishing admission: the figures published by Dr Hansen's institute are not only one of the four data sets that the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) relies on to promote its case for global warming, but they are the most widely quoted, since they consistently show higher temperatures than the others.
Really. It's way past time to start recoiling from these ideological atrocities for the circus freaks that they are.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Change you can believe in: The Big Zero insults Nancy Reagan at his first press conference.

Hope and Change.

At a news conference in Chicago, Obama said he had spoken with all the living presidents as he prepares to take office in January. Then he smiled and said, "I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any seances."

The 87-year-old former first lady had consulted with astrologers during her husband's presidency. But she did not hold conversations with the dead.

Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said the president-elect later called Mrs. Reagan "to apologize for the careless and offhanded remark." She said Obama "expressed his admiration and affection for Mrs. Reagan that so many Americans share, and they had a warm conversation."
The Big Zero, of course, was confusing Mrs. Reagan with Her Vileness, Mrs. Clinton, who sought to communicate with Eleanor Roosevelt.

Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Racism is now, officially, OVER!

One of the few good things on this depressing morning is that racism in the United States of America is now, officially, over. No more can anyone cry "racism" and be believed. An American of African descent has been elected to our nation's highest office. If anyone does cry "racism" from now on, laugh at them. Loudly. Ridicule them in public for the complete and utter fools that they are. There is no more racism.

By the way, have the waters receded yet?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Start praying

Can it really be true? Have Americans become so utterly stupid as to vote into office an unexamined, unaccomplished, inexperienced, unqualified socialist as their chief executive? Apparently so.

Part of me wants to not care, to just watch the repugnance spread and corrode our society. To have He-whose-middle-name-must-not-be-spoken try to stand up his "National Civilian Security Force" and watch the ACLU debate itself on whether or not to try to stop it. Or to watch people like this:

Ha! This moron actually believes He-whose-middle-name-must-not-be-spoken will pay her gas bill and her house note for her. I'd love to see her face when she realizes that she'll actually pay more taxes. We can weather the economic misery that will come. We got through Carter, we can get through The Big Zero, even though this might be worse.

But the court appointments will truly harm our nation. It will take a generation, perhaps two, to right the coming wave of liberal judicial legislators The Big Zero will appoint to the courts, if it can ever be righted. And he will bring such loss of stature to our country. We will surrender to the terrorists. We will prostrate ourselves to any country with the slightest grievance. He will nationalize health care. We will follow the failed paths of so many nations seeking to become a nanny state for all.

It took a Carter to give us Reagan. Now we have something even worse than Carter. Start praying.

Monday, October 06, 2008

"I saw your post today regarding Senator Cornyn’s vote..."

This is rich.

I got an e-mail October 2 from a member of Cornyn's campaign in response to my post about him (and Hutchison). Here 'tis:


I saw your post today regarding Senator Cornyn’s vote on the Economic Stabilization Act.

I want to point you to some quotes from notable conservatives….

“This is a time in our country when politics needs to go out the window,” Senator Tom Coburn told CNSNews.com on Monday. “I would not have written this plan and I would rather not be doing this, but the question is, how do we help the most Americans, how do we reestablish confidence in the economy, and how do we stabilize things?”

“This bailout is a temporary emergency measure to stop a hemorrhaging of credit and the potential collapse of the American and world economy”
-Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, who supports the bill.

I hope you can come to see that the bill was a hard vote for the Senator, but one he believes was necessary for the stability of the American economy.

Your thoughts and comments are appreciated,

And here was my reply:
You gotta be kidding me!

A $700 billion bill gets voted down, then goes to the senate where it gains an additonal $150 billion of pork . . . and that makes the bill BETTER?!? Or even (God forbid) "less bad"?

Are you for real? Sure, familes are hurting. And this bill does absolutely nothing for them, except saddle their kids with debt and nationalize part of the private sector. Senator Cornyn has now opened the door for other industries in our country to be socialized, namely healthcare. With his stupid vote, John has brought us miles closer to HillaryCare, closer even than Hillary herself brought us.

And I'm supposed to "understand"? Our nation (and others) spent decades and trillions of dollars of treasure and priceless American blood to defeat Communism and Socialism. Senator Cornyn reverses much of that with the most important vote of his senatorial career, and I'm supposed to "understand".

Thanks, but no thanks. It will take a generation or two to fix the damage his vote (among others) has inflicted upon our nation. I've got tons of work to do. Personally, I have no futher use for John.

With tremendous disgust and roaring disdain for a voter for Socialism,

Mr. Light Bulb
Do you think he got the message?

Thursday, October 02, 2008

"Why I'm voting democrat"

A couple of years ago, my brother told me the story of a political discussion he had with a fellow employee. My brother was trying to explain his views of limited government to the employee and was getting nowhere. So he decided to switch things up. He asked the employee to explain his view of politics. Here's a paraphrase of what the employee said:

I just think that when Republicans are in power, they make us responsible for everything. But when Democrats are in power, the government takes over and they're responsible.
All my brother could do was sit back and say, "you know what? You should vote Democrat."

And that's the sentiment reflected in this brilliant video.

Both John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison voted for Socialism

It's true. Both senators from the Great State of Texas voted FOR Socialism.

Kay I can understand. She has no spine. A light breeze will sway her to any position she can justify.

John's vote is truly disappointing. When I called his Houston office yesterday, I told the person who answered the phone that I didn't want John voting for Socialism. The person agreed. So I asked if John was on the record as opposing the bill. Of course, the person wouldn't commit. And now I know why. He was lured away with Hurricane Ike goodies.

Oh well. I won't be voting for either of them ever again. And John is up for re-election. Pity.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

How disgusting

Seventy-four senators voted tonight to usher in Socialism to the United States of America. And in typical, bi-partisan, senatorial form, it's loaded with pork.

With each permutation, the bill has steadily grown in size. Treasury’s initial plan was about three pages long. The House version, which failed, stretched to 110. The Senate substitute now runs over 450 pages. And tucked away in the tax provisions is a landmark health care provision demanding that insurance companies provide coverage for mental health treatment—such as hospitalization—on parity with physical illnesses.

Really a bill onto itself, the mental health parity measure has been a bipartisan priority for top lawmakers in both chambers but has stalled because of disagreements again over how to pay for its estimated $3.8 billion five-year cost. In the current climate, that seems to be no longer a stumbling block, and if the Treasury plan becomes law, it will also.
House Republicans, we need you now more than ever. Please, please, please stay strong.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Defeat-ocrats are the ones who voted down the "bailout" bill

One more thing that is truly bugging me about all this and most assuredly hasn't received the attention it needs.

Republicans are not the ones who voted down this bill. Defeat-ocrats are the ones who voted down this ridiculous "bailout" bill. 218 votes are needed for a simple majority. There are 235 Defeat-ocrats in the house. Notice how 235 is greater than 218? Not one single Republican vote was needed to get this repugnant bill passed. The Defeat-ocrats—the ones who don't want us to win in war, the ones who regularly pit class against class in their own country, the ones who see government as the solution to every problem—are responsible for the "bailout" being voted down. Their goal was to get just enough votes from Republicans to hang the responsibility for Socialism on Republican necks. Praise God Almighty it didn't work.

So when Bug Eyes gets or one of her mind-numbed minions gets on television and spews the lie about Republicans defeating the bill, make sure you call her a liar to her bug-eyed face.

Yesterday, we almost became France

I haven't seen a lot of mention of this today, so I want to make sure to get it in black and white.

We almost became France (or Russia or Venezuela) yesterday with this stupid, government-purchasing "bailout" of Wall Street. The Federal Government would have purchased mortgages. If the Federal Government purchases something, it can direct what happens with that something. This is a frightening prospect. It is called Socialism. Government owns stuff/everything, and it can direct what happens with stuff/everything. As Jeb Hensarling said yesterday, "if we lose our ability to fail, we will soon lose our ability to succeed." This is what France is. It's why nothing much comes out of France anymore, besides wine and cheese. They spend two months in the summer on government-mandated vacation, and nothing gets done. Their national productivity is awful. We don't want that. And if this "bailout" nightmare had passed, there would have been no turing back. It would have changed the American economy forever. Forever.

So, a huge "thank you" today goes to the House Republicans who stood on Free Market principles and said "no" to Socialism. Stay strong, and get some of your friends to come back to the Free Market side. The Defeat-ocrats and the Lame-Duck-in-Chief aren't going to quit anytime soon.


When I heard that Boehner had agreed to the deal, I was really concerned. Thankfully, the rest of the Republicans stayed strong. And even more thankfully, Bug Eyes is the most ineffectual Speaker of the House in modern history. This black-hearted, swill-spewing, ultra-partisan hag couldn't even count the members of her party before having a vote. She wound up needing eleven more Defeat-ocrats to seal the deal.

Oh, and this ranting squeal didn't help things either:

Now, let's embark on some Free Market reforms that might actually help the situation: changing the accounting rules to bring them in-line with reality, suspending the repatriation tax, suspending or even fully cutting the capital gains tax. We don't need Socialism in order to fix Capitalism.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

House Republicans, just continue to say "NO"!

Please, please, please, just say "no" to any bailout bill that comes forward. We need to educate the public about the Defeat-ocrat lies that the bailout needs to be bi-partisan. If the Defeat-ocrats want this ridiculous bill, the Defeat-ocrats can vote for it and pass it all by themselves. They do not need any Republican votes to get it done. The only reason that Bug Eyes wants Republicans to vote for it is to provide cover for her minions when they turn on the Republicans five seconds after Bush signs it into law.

You're doing a terrific job, so far. Stay strong. Just continue to say "no".

Friday, September 26, 2008

Need money on Wall Street?

There's a one very simple thing to be done. It will solve a whole lot of the problem, and it will prevent the need for taxpayers to reward gamblers. Here it is: eliminate the Capital Gains tax. Then get out of the way for the flood of money that will come pouring back into the country. No taxpayer bailout will be needed.

Of course, this isn't about solving the problem. It's all about Defeat-ocrats gaining more control of our lives. And blaming Republicans for it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Bush SHOULD say tonight

From Scrappleface via The Power Line:

“To sustain this shining city on a hill,” Mr. Bush said, “we need to rescue the ignorant, irresponsible folks — from Wall Street to Capitol Hill to Main Street — who got us to where we are today. We must guarantee that no American suffers the soft bigotry of being forced to live with the consequences of his bad decisions.”

The president, in remarks to the news media clearly aimed at reluctant Republicans in Congress, said, “Our financial system rests on a foundation of huge banks, brokerage houses and quasi-governmental agencies that followed Washington’s lead by gambling on long-shot, poorly-collateralized investments. Now this glorious way of life is threatened, and we must act to preserve it.”

Text of President Bush's address to the nation tonight seeking support for government takeover of part of the economy

We already know what he'll say:

Mo money!
Make me sick.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sarah Palin ROCKED Charlie Gibson's world, and he may realize it in a week or two

From their summary of the Gibson-Palin interview at The Power Line:

One of the problems with this type of interview is that the reporter—here, Charlie Gibson—thinks he is "vetting" the candidate on behalf of the people. But if you read the interview, you can see that the candidate's IQ is 30 or 40 points higher than the reporter's, and Gibson doesn't do a particularly good job of keeping up. It's safe to conclude, though, that just about anyone who watched the interview will think that Governor Palin acquitted herself admirably.
Keep it up, Sarah. The lefties are scared to death of you. And that warms my heart.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Hot damn! Sarah Palin ROCKS!

Before I continue, let me be perfectly clear: I love Mrs. Light Bulb. Second only to my salvation, Mrs. Light Bulb is the most valuable gift Almighty God has ever given to me. She is the best friend I have in this world, she is my exotic-eyed lover, and a wonderful wife.

But did you see Sarah Palin last week? Hot damn! I'm truly beginning to believe some of the little known facts about this woman.

There is so much to like:

  • She can wear a skirt and looks great in it
  • Her life story has no holes and is quintessentially American
  • She is the most popular governor of all 50
  • She has more executive experience than the other three guys combined
  • She has actually accomplished things for her constituents
  • She shoots guns and kills wild animals with them
  • She's a real feminist - her achievements come with hard work and without whining
Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, sums up the situation exquisitely with three "thank yous". First, for He-whose-middle-name-must-not-be-spoken:
He lacked the confidence or the strength to ask Hillary Clinton, recipient of some 18 million votes, to join him on the ticket. Such a ticket, uniting and exciting the Democratic party, would have been hard to beat in this Democratic year. Having ruled out Clinton, Obama then lacked the nerve to double down on the theme of change, by selecting, say, Virginia governor Tim Kaine or Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius. A change versus experience election wouldn't have been a bad bet for Obama. Instead, he settled on an unimpressive vice presidential pick, a long-time, long-winded overrated senator from a safe state, who gave him no lift at all in the polls, and offers no prospect of doing so.
Sweet. Then, for Senator McCain.
He showed guts with his pick of Sarah Palin. He also demonstrated a shrewd strategic sense. He knew that running on experience would carry him only so far—most likely to a respectable defeat. He understood the implications of Obama's passing over Hillary—not that Clinton voters would vote for McCain-Palin (though if even a few do so, it could make a difference), but that his pick of Palin when compared with Obama's shying away from Hillary would show McCain as a bolder and more confident leader.
And then, of course, for the media.
A special thank you to our friends in the liberal media establishment. Who knew they would come through so spectacularly? The ludicrous media feeding frenzy about the Palin family hyped interest in her speech, enabling her to win a huge audience for her smashing success Wednesday night at the convention. Indeed, it even renewed interest in McCain, who seems to have gotten still more viewers for his less smashing—but well-received—presentation the following evening.

The astounding (even to me, after all these years!) smugness and mean-spiritedness of so many in the media engendered not just interest in but sympathy for Palin. It allowed Palin to speak not just to conservatives but to the many Americans who are repulsed by the media's prurient interest in and adolescent snickering about her family. It allowed the McCain-Palin ticket to become the populist standard-bearer against an Obama-Media ticket that has disdain for Middle America.
There's now a conservative in the race. And a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

"In a world..."

I love voice talent, partly because I have a (very) little bit of it, but mostly because I appreciate it so much. Wielding voice talent can be a thing of beauty, so seemingly simple, yet so very difficult to do well.

The king of voice talent, Don LaFontaine, passed away last week.

Watch this:

Saturday, August 09, 2008

ChiCom Olympics begin with murder

How could such a terrible thing happen in the glorious People's Republic of China?
A knife-wielding Chinese man attacked two relatives of a coach for the U.S. Olympic men's volleyball team at a tourist site in Beijing, killing one and injuring the other on the first day of the Olympics on Saturday, team officials and state media said.

The man then committed suicide by throwing himself from the second story of the site, the 13th century Drum Tower just five miles from the main Olympics site.
Perhaps this man hadn't been educated enough in the virtues of communism. Yeah, that's it.

Friday, August 08, 2008

John Edwards enhances his resume

While he was out campaigning to be the country's next president, John Edwards and his family knew he had cheated on his wife.

John Edwards repeatedly lied during his Presidential campaign about an extramarital affair with a novice filmmaker, the former Senator admitted to ABC News today.


Edwards said he told his wife, Elizabeth, and others in his family about the affair in 2006.

Edwards made a point of telling Woodruff that his wife's cancer was in remission when he began the affair with Hunter. Elizabeth Edwards has since been diagnosed with an incurable form of the disease.

When the National Enquirer first reported the alleged Edwards-Hunter affair last October 11, Edwards, his campaign staff and Hunter vociferously denounced the report.

"The story is false, it's completely untrue, it's ridiculous," Edwards told reporters then.

He repeated his denials just two weeks ago.

Edwards today admitted the National Enquirer was correct when it reported he had visited Hunter at the Beverly Hills Hilton last month.

[emphasis mine]
Did you catch that remark about when the affair began? He wanted to make sure that everyone knew that his wife's cancer was in remission when he started cheating on her.

Looks like the other two need to step aside. John Edwards is now the only Defeat-ocrat that is fully qualified to be the nominee of his party.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Awful news from the Fifth Circuit

It looks like the Bush Administration got to them.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals today affirmed the major counts against former Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, reversing only a minor obstruction of justice count.
Despite the prosecution admitting to the appelate judges that their drug-smuggling witness lied on the stand, despite the fact that "It was never the intent of the Congress to have U.S.C. Section 924(c) apply to law enforcement officers", the three appelate judges have chosen to keep Ramos and Compean in prison. They are our nation's first political prisoners.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just in case you need a reason to be thankful that we're no longer under the rule of Great Brittain...

Here's a headline from The Daily Mail.

Sharia law SHOULD be used in Britain, says UK's top judge
Praise God for our founders and their desire for self government.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Bill Clinton polarizes the election and then warns us that politics has become polarized

The left's unwillingness to face their own short comings knows no bounds. Look at this headline from USA Today:

Bill Clinton warns of political polarization
Is that absolutely astonishing or what.

Of all the human beings converting oxygen into carbon dioxide that this moment, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton dares to warn people about politics becoming polarized.
Former President Bill Clinton warned Saturday that the country is becoming increasingly polarized despite the historic nature of the Democratic primary.

Speaking at the National Governors Association's semiannual meeting, Clinton noted that on the one hand, following the early stages of the Democratic primary, "the surviving candidates were an African-American man and a woman."

Clinton's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, battled for the Democratic nomination into June with fellow Democrat Barack Obama, son of a white mother and black father.

But this achievement was overshadowed by a growing distance between Americans, said Clinton.

"Underneath this apparent accommodation to our diversity, we are in fact hunkering down in communities of like-mindedness, and it affects our ability to manage difference," Clinton said.
What a laugh. The man who waged class warfare as a standard operating procedure for eight years from the White House now says we shouldn't worry about our differences. The real news here is that some "journalist" wrote this story without pointing out the gargantuan bucket of hypocrisy tied to Slick Willie's ankle.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Exquisite Hypocrisy

Behold the Reverend Jesse Jackson.

Why is this man still taken seriously?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Stephen Breyer, protector of child rapists

In a Supreme Court opinion released today, the contemptible Stephen Breyer concurred with the excrable Anthony Kennedy in saying:

Evolving standards of decency must embrace and express respect for the dignity of the person, and the punishment of criminals must conform to that rule. See Trop, supra, at 100 (plurality opinion). As we shall discuss, punishment is justified under one or more of three principal rationales: rehabilitation, deterrence, and retribution. See Harmelin v. Michigan, 501 U. S. 957, 999 (1991) (KENNEDY, J., concurring in part and concurring in judgment); see also Part IV–B, infra. It is the last of these, retribution, that most often can contradict the law’s own ends. This is of particular concern when the Court interprets the meaning of the Eighth Amendment in capital cases. When the law punishes by death, it risks its own sudden descent into brutality, transgressing the constitutional commitment to decency and restraint.


Based both on consensus and our own independent judgment, our holding is that a death sentence for one who raped but did not kill a child, and who did not intend to assist another in killing the child, is unconstitutional under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments.
Here is a description of the crime that, according to Justice Breyer, does not merit the death penalty.
Petitioner’s crime was one that cannot be recounted in these pages in a way sufficient to capture in full the hurt and horror inflicted on his victim or to convey the revulsion society, and the jury that represents it, sought to express by sentencing petitioner to death. At 9:18 a.m. on March 2, 1998, petitioner called 911 to report that his stepdaughter, referred to here as L. H., had been raped. He told the 911 operator that L. H. had been in the garage while he readied his son for school. Upon hearing loud screaming, petitioner said, he ran outside and found L. H. in the side yard. Two neighborhood boys, petitioner told the operator, had dragged L. H. from the garage to the yard, pushed her down, and raped her. Petitioner claimed he saw one of the boys riding away on a blue 10-speed bicycle.

When police arrived at petitioner’s home between 9:20 and 9:30 a.m., they found L. H. on her bed, wearing a T-shirt and wrapped in a bloody blanket. She was bleeding profusely from the vaginal area. Petitioner told police he had carried her from the yard to the bathtub and then to the bed. Consistent with this explanation, police found a thin line of blood drops in the garage on the way to the house and then up the stairs. Once in the bedroom, petitioner had used a basin of water and a cloth to wipe blood from the victim. This later prevented medical personnel from collecting a reliable DNA sample.

L. H. was transported to the Children’s Hospital. An expert in pediatric forensic medicine testified that L. H.’s injuries were the most severe he had seen from a sexual assault in his four years of practice. A laceration to the left wall of the vagina had separated her cervix from the back of her vagina, causing her rectum to protrude into the vaginal structure. Her entire perineum was torn from the posterior fourchette to the anus. The injuries required emergency surgery.
I guess miserable pieces of human debris have to stick up for each other.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, protector of child rapists

In a Supreme Court opinion released today, the wretched Ruth Bader Ginsburg concurred with the excrable Anthony Kennedy in saying:

Evolving standards of decency must embrace and express respect for the dignity of the person, and the punishment of criminals must conform to that rule. See Trop, supra, at 100 (plurality opinion). As we shall discuss, punishment is justified under one or more of three principal rationales: rehabilitation, deterrence, and retribution. See Harmelin v. Michigan, 501 U. S. 957, 999 (1991) (KENNEDY, J., concurring in part and concurring in judgment); see also Part IV–B, infra. It is the last of these, retribution, that most often can contradict the law’s own ends. This is of particular concern when the Court interprets the meaning of the Eighth Amendment in capital cases. When the law punishes by death, it risks its own sudden descent into brutality, transgressing the constitutional commitment to decency and restraint.


Based both on consensus and our own independent judgment, our holding is that a death sentence for one who raped but did not kill a child, and who did not intend to assist another in killing the child, is unconstitutional under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments.
Here is a description of the crime that, according to Justice Ginsburg, does not merit the death penalty.
Petitioner’s crime was one that cannot be recounted in these pages in a way sufficient to capture in full the hurt and horror inflicted on his victim or to convey the revulsion society, and the jury that represents it, sought to express by sentencing petitioner to death. At 9:18 a.m. on March 2, 1998, petitioner called 911 to report that his stepdaughter, referred to here as L. H., had been raped. He told the 911 operator that L. H. had been in the garage while he readied his son for school. Upon hearing loud screaming, petitioner said, he ran outside and found L. H. in the side yard. Two neighborhood boys, petitioner told the operator, had dragged L. H. from the garage to the yard, pushed her down, and raped her. Petitioner claimed he saw one of the boys riding away on a blue 10-speed bicycle.

When police arrived at petitioner’s home between 9:20 and 9:30 a.m., they found L. H. on her bed, wearing a T-shirt and wrapped in a bloody blanket. She was bleeding profusely from the vaginal area. Petitioner told police he had carried her from the yard to the bathtub and then to the bed. Consistent with this explanation, police found a thin line of blood drops in the garage on the way to the house and then up the stairs. Once in the bedroom, petitioner had used a basin of water and a cloth to wipe blood from the victim. This later prevented medical personnel from collecting a reliable DNA sample.

L. H. was transported to the Children’s Hospital. An expert in pediatric forensic medicine testified that L. H.’s injuries were the most severe he had seen from a sexual assault in his four years of practice. A laceration to the left wall of the vagina had separated her cervix from the back of her vagina, causing her rectum to protrude into the vaginal structure. Her entire perineum was torn from the posterior fourchette to the anus. The injuries required emergency surgery.
I guess miserable pieces of human debris have to stick up for each other.

David Souter, protector of child rapists

In a Supreme Court opinion released today, the vile David Souter concurred with the excreable Anthony Kennedy in saying:

Evolving standards of decency must embrace and express respect for the dignity of the person, and the punishment of criminals must conform to that rule. See Trop, supra, at 100 (plurality opinion). As we shall discuss, punishment is justified under one or more of three principal rationales: rehabilitation, deterrence, and retribution. See Harmelin v. Michigan, 501 U. S. 957, 999 (1991) (KENNEDY, J., concurring in part and concurring in judgment); see also Part IV–B, infra. It is the last of these, retribution, that most often can contradict the law’s own ends. This is of particular concern when the Court interprets the meaning of the Eighth Amendment in capital cases. When the law punishes by death, it risks its own sudden descent into brutality, transgressing the constitutional commitment to decency and restraint.


Based both on consensus and our own independent judgment, our holding is that a death sentence for one who raped but did not kill a child, and who did not intend to assist another in killing the child, is unconstitutional under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments.
Here is a description of the crime that, according to Justice Souter, does not merit the death penalty.
Petitioner’s crime was one that cannot be recounted in these pages in a way sufficient to capture in full the hurt and horror inflicted on his victim or to convey the revulsion society, and the jury that represents it, sought to express by sentencing petitioner to death. At 9:18 a.m. on March 2, 1998, petitioner called 911 to report that his stepdaughter, referred to here as L. H., had been raped. He told the 911 operator that L. H. had been in the garage while he readied his son for school. Upon hearing loud screaming, petitioner said, he ran outside and found L. H. in the side yard. Two neighborhood boys, petitioner told the operator, had dragged L. H. from the garage to the yard, pushed her down, and raped her. Petitioner claimed he saw one of the boys riding away on a blue 10-speed bicycle.

When police arrived at petitioner’s home between 9:20 and 9:30 a.m., they found L. H. on her bed, wearing a T-shirt and wrapped in a bloody blanket. She was bleeding profusely from the vaginal area. Petitioner told police he had carried her from the yard to the bathtub and then to the bed. Consistent with this explanation, police found a thin line of blood drops in the garage on the way to the house and then up the stairs. Once in the bedroom, petitioner had used a basin of water and a cloth to wipe blood from the victim. This later prevented medical personnel from collecting a reliable DNA sample.

L. H. was transported to the Children’s Hospital. An expert in pediatric forensic medicine testified that L. H.’s injuries were the most severe he had seen from a sexual assault in his four years of practice. A laceration to the left wall of the vagina had separated her cervix from the back of her vagina, causing her rectum to protrude into the vaginal structure. Her entire perineum was torn from the posterior fourchette to the anus. The injuries required emergency surgery.
I guess miserable pieces of human debris have to stick together.

John Paul Stevens, protector of child rapists

In a Supreme Court opinion released today, the miserable John Paul Stevens concurred with the excreable Anthony Kennedy in saying:

Evolving standards of decency must embrace and express respect for the dignity of the person, and the punishment of criminals must conform to that rule. See Trop, supra, at 100 (plurality opinion). As we shall discuss, punishment is justified under one or more of three principal rationales: rehabilitation, deterrence, and retribution. See Harmelin v. Michigan, 501 U. S. 957, 999 (1991) (KENNEDY, J., concurring in part and concurring in judgment); see also Part IV–B, infra. It is the last of these, retribution, that most often can contradict the law’s own ends. This is of particular concern when the Court interprets the meaning of the Eighth Amendment in capital cases. When the law punishes by death, it risks its own sudden descent into brutality, transgressing the constitutional commitment to decency and restraint.


Based both on consensus and our own independent judgment, our holding is that a death sentence for one who raped but did not kill a child, and who did not intend to assist another in killing the child, is unconstitutional under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments.
Here is a description of the crime that, according to Justice Stevens, does not merit the death penalty.
Petitioner’s crime was one that cannot be recounted in these pages in a way sufficient to capture in full the hurt and horror inflicted on his victim or to convey the revulsion society, and the jury that represents it, sought to express by sentencing petitioner to death. At 9:18 a.m. on March 2, 1998, petitioner called 911 to report that his stepdaughter, referred to here as L. H., had been raped. He told the 911 operator that L. H. had been in the garage while he readied his son for school. Upon hearing loud screaming, petitioner said, he ran outside and found L. H. in the side yard. Two neighborhood boys, petitioner told the operator, had dragged L. H. from the garage to the yard, pushed her down, and raped her. Petitioner claimed he saw one of the boys riding away on a blue 10-speed bicycle.

When police arrived at petitioner’s home between 9:20 and 9:30 a.m., they found L. H. on her bed, wearing a T-shirt and wrapped in a bloody blanket. She was bleeding profusely from the vaginal area. Petitioner told police he had carried her from the yard to the bathtub and then to the bed. Consistent with this explanation, police found a thin line of blood drops in the garage on the way to the house and then up the stairs. Once in the bedroom, petitioner had used a basin of water and a cloth to wipe blood from the victim. This later prevented medical personnel from collecting a reliable DNA sample.

L. H. was transported to the Children’s Hospital. An expert in pediatric forensic medicine testified that L. H.’s injuries were the most severe he had seen from a sexual assault in his four years of practice. A laceration to the left wall of the vagina had separated her cervix from the back of her vagina, causing her rectum to protrude into the vaginal structure. Her entire perineum was torn from the posterior fourchette to the anus. The injuries required emergency surgery.
I guess miserable pieces of human debris have to stick up for each other.

Anthony Kennedy, protector of child rapists

In a Supreme Court opinion released today, the excrable Anthony Kennedy said:

Evolving standards of decency must embrace and express respect for the dignity of the person, and the punishment of criminals must conform to that rule. See Trop, supra, at 100 (plurality opinion). As we shall discuss, punishment is justified under one or more of three principal rationales: rehabilitation, deterrence, and retribution. See Harmelin v. Michigan, 501 U. S. 957, 999 (1991) (KENNEDY, J., concurring in part and concurring in judgment); see also Part IV–B, infra. It is the last of these, retribution, that most often can contradict the law’s own ends. This is of particular concern when the Court interprets the meaning of the Eighth Amendment in capital cases. When the law punishes by death, it risks its own sudden descent into brutality, transgressing the constitutional commitment to decency and restraint.


Based both on consensus and our own independent judgment, our holding is that a death sentence for one who raped but did not kill a child, and who did not intend to assist another in killing the child, is unconstitutional under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments.
Here is a description of the crime that, according to Justice Kennedy, does not merit the death penalty.
Petitioner’s crime was one that cannot be recounted in these pages in a way sufficient to capture in full the hurt and horror inflicted on his victim or to convey the revulsion society, and the jury that represents it, sought to express by sentencing petitioner to death. At 9:18 a.m. on March 2, 1998, petitioner called 911 to report that his stepdaughter, referred to here as L. H., had been raped. He told the 911 operator that L. H. had been in the garage while he readied his son for school. Upon hearing loud screaming, petitioner said, he ran outside and found L. H. in the side yard. Two neighborhood boys, petitioner told the operator, had dragged L. H. from the garage to the yard, pushed her down, and raped her. Petitioner claimed he saw one of the boys riding away on a blue 10-speed bicycle.

When police arrived at petitioner’s home between 9:20 and 9:30 a.m., they found L. H. on her bed, wearing a T-shirt and wrapped in a bloody blanket. She was bleeding profusely from the vaginal area. Petitioner told police he had carried her from the yard to the bathtub and then to the bed. Consistent with this explanation, police found a thin line of blood drops in the garage on the way to the house and then up the stairs. Once in the bedroom, petitioner had used a basin of water and a cloth to wipe blood from the victim. This later prevented medical personnel from collecting a reliable DNA sample.

L. H. was transported to the Children’s Hospital. An expert in pediatric forensic medicine testified that L. H.’s injuries were the most severe he had seen from a sexual assault in his four years of practice. A laceration to the left wall of the vagina had separated her cervix from the back of her vagina, causing her rectum to protrude into the vaginal structure. Her entire perineum was torn from the posterior fourchette to the anus. The injuries required emergency surgery.
I guess miserable pieces of human debris have to stick up for one another.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This could be the one

If all goes according to plan, this could be the Light Bulb family's new home.

There's still much to be done. Including an FHA inspection on our existing house. Keep praying for us.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Sunday, May 04, 2008


The following poem comes from the eight-year-old brain of my darling daughter, the Princess Daffodil.


Rabbits are caged,
Rabbits are wild.
And in their habitat the weather is mild.

They jump all around,
Without any sound,
And then they dig a hole in the ground.

No one knows the secrets of rabbits
With their funny habits.

Our government's troubling answer to question 87

A couple of weeks ago, Michelle Malkin posted about the "civics flash cards" given by the Department of Homeland Security to immigrants wanting to become citizens.

Question 91 was egregious.

I'm not making this up. Go see for yourself. Anyway, Michelle's readers went to work creating some alternative flash cards, and a couple are really good.

I decided to take a look at the whole deck. And I got to question 87.

Does anyone else besides me find this troubling? I'm going to leave this question up for a couple of days. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who sees a problem here.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Let's play a game - Name That Party!

First, watch this video.

Now, what political party do the high rollers belong to?

Hint: if they were Republicans, the story might have looked like this.

Friday, May 02, 2008

If a Religion of Global Warming follower asks you why the US won't sign the Kyoto treaty...

show them this graph. It should shut them up immediately.
Hat Tips to Red State and WILLisms

Of course, it probably won't shut them up. So make sure you have a copy of the Index of Leading Environmental Indicators: 2008 report written by Stephen F. Hayward at the Pacific Research Institute.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

It's 3:00 a.m. and you need a cup of coffee...

Make sure you don't call this woman to get it for you.

Seriously, how could I NOT post this.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Ladies, it's never O.K. to pose topless. Ever.

Really, it isn't. Especially if you tell people that you're a Christian.

In a caption with the image in the magazine, Disney's Hannah Montana star tells VF: "I think it's really artsy. It wasn't in a skanky way. Annie took, like, a beautiful shot, and I thought that was really cool. That's what she wanted me to do, and you can't say no to Annie. She's so cute. She gets this puppy-dog look and you're like, 'OK.' "

But by Sunday, Cyrus apparently had changed her mind. "I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be 'artistic' and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed," she said in a statement issued by her publicist, Jill Fritzo. "I never intended for any of this to happen, and I apologize to my fans who I care so deeply about."
And if you read the article further, you find out that her parents (or minders (?)) were on the set with her. During the shoot. Approving of the photos taken.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Please help Raging Cindy get on the November ballot

If I lived in San Francisco, I'd sign this:

Peace activist Cindy Sheehan wants to snatch House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's congressional seat from her in November, but first she's going to need the help - and signatures - of 10,198 friends and supporters.

Sheehan was at San Francisco City Hall on Friday to take out papers for her independent run for Congress, but without those signatures from voters in the district, her name won't show up on the ballot.
She promised she'd do it, and now she is. Good for her. Now surely we can find 10,198 people in and around San Francisco who are crazy enough to get her on the ballot.

Come on San Franciscans! Say "no" to Bug Eyes and get crazy for Raging Cindy!

Friday, April 25, 2008

God Bless You, Linda Daves

Linda Daves, North Carolina Republican Party Chairwoman, has told the Troll to go jump in the lake, figuratively speaking.

State GOP Chairwoman Linda Daves reiterated in a statement Thursday that the ad will run.

“There has never been any intention to pull the ad and it will air,” she said. “The ‘Extreme’ ad has garnered attention around the country. I want to thank the people across North Carolina and across the country who have shown overwhelming support for us. Our aim is to tell the truth and ask difficult questions. We will continue to do so.”
Be strong, Ms. Daves.

Here's the ad:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Tax Freedom Day!

After today, we have worked enough days to pay our Federal Income Taxes for 2008.

Just another warm fuzzy moment for you.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Swim Team season has begun

(I know, I know. I said a few days ago that I was busy getting the house ready to sell because we're moving and that I wouldn't have time to blog. Deal with it.)

Today was the kids' first Swim Team practice of the year. It's a little hectic, getting them fed and ready to be at the pool by six. But it affords me the opportunity of ninety minutes of reading time. Yes! You see, I can't be at the house doing stuff, someone has to be with the kids. So I'm forced (forced, I tell you) to lounge by the pool and read while the kids swim. I love Swim Team.

And so, I brought a book to read (one of the SIX left unpacked and available to read (no, I'm not an ounce bitter, really)). Here's the very first paragraph:

I was nine years old when I met my father. His name was M.C. Thomas, and my birth certificate describes him as a "laborer." My mother divorced him in 1950 and he moved north to Philadelphia, leaving his family behind in Pinpoint, the tiny Georgia community where I was born. I saw him only twice when I was young. The first time was when my mother called her parents, with whom my brother Myers and I then lived, and told them that someone at her place wanted to see us. They called a cab and sent us to her housing-project apartment where my father was waiting. "I am your daddy," he told us in a firm, shameless voice that carried no hint of remorse for his inexplicable absence from our lives. He said nothing about loving or missing us, and we didn't say much in return—it was as though we were meeting a total stranger—but he treated us politely enough, and even promised to send us a pair of Elgin watches with flexible bands, which were popular at the time. Though we watched the mail every day, the watches never came, and when a year or so had gone by, my grandparents bought them for us instead. My father had broken the only promise he ever made to us. After that we heard nothing more from him, not even a Christmas or birthday card. For years my brother and I would ask ourselves how a man could show no interest in his own children. I still wonder.
Thus begins the autobiography of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, My Grandfather's Son. I hope that by the end of Swim Team season, I'll be able to provide you a full review of this sure-to-be-inspiring book.

Friday, April 18, 2008

2008 Houston Area High School Rankings

Did you know about this? An organization called Children at Risk publishes a yearly ranking of Houston area high schools. Check out the top ten:

  1. YES Prep Public Sschools — YES Prep Southeast Campus
  2. Houston ISD — DeBakey High School for the Health Professions
  3. Houston ISD — High School for the Performing and Visual Arts
  4. Fort Bend ISD — Clements High School
  5. Katy ISD — Cinco Ranch High School
  6. Spring Branch ISD — Memorial High School
  7. Katy ISD — Taylor High School
  8. Spring Branch ISD — Westchester Academy for International Studies
  9. Houston ISD — High School for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
  10. Fort Bend ISD — Stephen F. Austin High School
Intersting. Let me see, what's missing? What could it be? Hmmm... Oh, I know. A Klien ISD school or a Cy-Fair ISD school. But how could that be? After all, Cy-Fair spent over $80 million on the Berry Center. And last year they got $329 million in property tax revenue. So where did Cy-Fair schools rank?
  1. Cypress Fairbanks ISD — Cy-Fair High School
  1. Cypress Fairbanks ISD — Cypress Falls High School
  2. Cypress Fairbanks ISD — Cypress Creek High School
  1. Cypress Fairbanks ISD — Jersey Village High School
  1. Cypress Fairbanks ISD — Langham Creek High School
  1. Cypress Fairbanks ISD — Cypress Springs High School
  2. Cypress Fairbanks ISD — Cypress Ridge High School
Strange. All that property tax money and the wonderful Berry Center and . . . oh well. I'm sure Klein schools did better.
  1. Klein ISD — Klein High School
  1. Klein ISD — Klein Collins High School
  1. Klein ISD — Klein Oak High School
  1. Klein ISD — Klein Forest High School
Yikes! Even worse! I wonder how Klein ISD voters feel about the upcoming bond election containing two new $100+ million high schools. (Fortunately, there are a group of parents, called Klein For All, opposing the bond election.)

I'm so glad the Light Bulb family is moving to Katy.

Hat Tip - the World's Most Wonderful Mother-in-Law and blogHOUSTON - and while you're there, check out this post that describes how Klein Oak High School wants to extort money from their students (not their students' parents, their students) to buy Tablet PCs for each of them. If I were one of those students' parents, I'd have gone thermonuclear by now.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Debra Wilson and Will Sasso in Mad TV's "Big John's Shirt and Tie Barn".

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Tax Day 2008

Have you completed your tax forms yet? Of course, it's more costly than last year.

Tax season became a little more taxing this year, with the average person spending more than a day and more than $200 collecting, calculating and compiling those numbers for the tax man, according to a report based on Internal Revenue Service figures.

If it's any consolation to the individual still trying to get receipts in order a day before Tuesday's filing deadline, businesses have it far worse. The National Taxpayers Union, in its annual look at the burdens of taxpaying, said the corporate cost of compliance is about $170 billion. General Electric in 2006 filed returns equivalent to 24,000 printed pages.
Hallmark makes cards for every occasion, it seems. I wonder if they have a card for Tax Day? Certainly it would be appreciated by all the CPAs and H&R Block employees across the nation. What would a Tax Day card say?

Here's one:

Don't think of it as taxes . . . Think of it as toilet paper for bureaucrats.

I'll keep working on that.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm going to be busy for a while

If you've noticed scant activity at the Light Bulb lately, there's a reason. The Light Bulb family is in the process of moving, and most of my non-work and non-compulsory family time is concerned with readying a house for the market and preparing to find the next one. It is misery and leaves little time for blogging.

Oh, there are so very many things I have wanted to write about these past few weeks/months. There was He-whose-middle-name-must-not-be-spoken's press conference where some reporters actually began asking him . . . questions . . . instead of fawning. ("I answered, like, eight questions.") Then there was the spectacle of Big Oil being questioned by some of our nation's most dazzling examples of economic illiteracy. And the naturally disingenuous reporting that followed. (Thanks for paying all those taxes, Big Oil.) I started a sure-to-have-been-wonderful post on the woeful cost of the Entitlement Society highlighting the multi-trillion dollar lawsuit against the Army Corps of Engineers for the levee breach during Hurricane Katrina. And, of course, there's the Republican Party's nominee apparent, the amnesty-pushing troll.

Alas, this and more shall not be for a season. However, I will make a quick remark about . . . cleansing breath . . . home improvement shows. In short, do not ever believe a single word they ever say. They are thirty minute, well polished lies from the very pit of Hell itself, with great production values. I have tried to do some of the things these shows recommend. I am a normal person. I have average or above average intelligence. I can work a power drill. I can do normal home repairs. The things these shows say you can do cannot be done without the aid of professionals and their expensive tools. They are liars. Do not believe their lies. If you want to get things done around the house like they do, you have to do two things: (1) get rich, and (2) hire someone to do the work. Disregard all else. (And what they call "neutral colors" are anything but neutral.)

One more thing. You really have to "stage" your house in order for you to try to convince a prospective buyer that they could live in your house. (It's such a deception, it's not even funny.) Anyway, this "staging" does not comport to reality. In fact, living in a "staged" home is a misery. We've endured this misery on a limited scale for the past few weeks, but it will be misery in full force when our house goes on the market in mid-May. Please, please, please pray for us.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Note to FBI, pay no attention to Mayor Phil Gordon

Dear FBI,

I have read recently that the mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, Phil Gordon, wants you to look into whether or not Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has violated civil rights laws by having the gall to arrest illegal aliens and treat them like the criminals they are.

Please pay no attention whatsoever to this buffoon, Mr. Gordon. His views do not represent those of normal, law-abiding American citizens. His letter to you is merely an attempt to pander to left-wing special interest groups.

In fact, if you do choose to investigate something, please investigate whether or not Mayor Gordon has pursued policies that would cause the city of Phoenix to be considered a Sanctuary City. As you may know, these cities are ones that harbor illegal aliens by virtue of the fact that their local law enforcement agencies are told to not pursue the question of citizenship when apprehending criminal suspects. This, far more than Sheriff Arpaio's wonderful track record, deserves your focused attention.

Very sincerely,

Mr. Light Bulb

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Chelsea Clinton, yet another arrogant Defeat-ocrat in the making

Peggy Noonan has described Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's Wife's arrogance as "breathtaking gall." Unfortunately, Her Vileness has transmitted this trait to her daughter.

The daughter of former President Bill Clinton and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was first confronted with a question about the infamous intern while campaigning at Butler University in Indianapolis, Ind., on March 26.

A male questioner earned a terse response when he asked whether her mother’s credibility had been hurt during the scandal. Before learning the truth about her husband’s relationship with Lewinsky, the former first lady had claimed the allegations against him were fabricated by a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

“Wow, you’re the first person actually that’s ever asked me that question in the, I don’t know, maybe 70 college campuses I’ve now been to, and I do not think that is any of your business,” Clinton said.

The question resurfaced five days later, when Chelsea Clinton was speaking Monday to students at North Carolina State University.

Clinton again declined to speak about her father’s relationship with Lewinsky, telling students, “It’s none of your business … that is something that is personal to my family. I’m sure there are things that are personal to your family that you don’t think are anyone else’s business either.”
Indeed, Chelsea, there are things that are personal to my family. But none of my family members are running for President. And none of my family members had to endure a national scandal brought on by your (purported*) father.

But let's face it. Her behavior is entirely expected, isn't it? After all, she's been raised by two of the most entitlement-focused individuals in our nation. She's simply living what she's been taught by example. How sad.

* Yes, purported. Remember, he told Juanita Broaddrick that he was sterile due to having mumps as a child.

Friday, March 28, 2008

We need to bring back shame

There is no shame in the world anymore. If there were, so many things would be so very different.

Take Client 9, for example. If he knew shame, he would not have had numerous dalliances with prostitutes of the years. If he knew of shame, his resignation statement would have contained a modicum of contrition.

If he knew of shame, he would not have tried to publicly smear his political rival.

Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer ordered an aide to release travel records to discredit a political rival despite the ex-governor's public denials, a criminal prosecutor said Friday.

County prosecutor P. David Soares said Spitzer directly ordered his aide Darren Dopp in a profanity laced exchange to release records that could embarrass state Senate Republican leader Joseph Bruno and perhaps lead Bruno deeper into a federal investigation.
If there were shame, Client 9's replacement, David Paterson, would not have had an affair himself some years earlier. Nor would have his wife. Nor would he have tried cocaine and marijuana when he was younger.

If there were shame, far fewer women would have children out of wedlock. Far more men would stay with the families they create.

Life would be so different if there was shame.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Humility, Client 9 style

Here's the transcript of Client 9's resignation statement.

In the past few days, I have begun to atone for my private failings with my wife Silda, my children and my entire family.

The remorse I feel will always be with me. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the love and compassion they have shown me. From those who much has been given, much is expected. I have been given much — the love of my family, the faith and trust of the people of New York, and the chance to leave this state.

I am deeply sorry that I did not live up to what was expected of me.

To every New Yorker, and to all those who believed in what I tried to stand for, I sincerely apologize.

I look at my time as governor with a sense of what might have been. But I also know, that as a public servant, I and the remarkable people with whom I work, have accomplished a great deal. There is much more to be done and I cannot allow my private failings to disrupt the people’s work.

Over the course of my public life, I have insisted I believe correctly, that people, regardless of their position or power, take responsibility for their conduct. I can and will ask no less of myself. For this reason, I am resigning from the office of governor. At Lieutenant Governor Patterson’s request, the resignation will be effective Monday, March 17, a date that he believes will permit an orderly transition.

I go forward with the belief, as others have said, that as human beings, our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

As I leave public life, I will first do what I need to do to help and heal myself and my family. Then I will try once again, outside of politics, to serve the common good and to move toward the ideals and solutions which I believe can build a future of hope and opportunity for us and for our children.

I hope all of New York will join my prayers for my friend David Patterson as he embarks on his new mission and I thank the public once again for the privilege of service. Thank you very much.
Score: 41 I/me/my references.

Monday, March 10, 2008

"Client 9" works on his resume

For Defeat-ocrats, this kind of thing is supposed to be resume enhancement.

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer promised voters he would clean up the state's corrupt political ethics, but a report on Monday that he is linked to a prostitution ring is threatening to derail the career of a man once considered a political star.

The 48-year-old Democrat has blazed a national reputation as "Mr. Clean," advocating for the underdog and tackling corporate greed on Wall Street.

Spitzer saw himself following in the footsteps of the state's many well-known governors, from Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt to Nelson Rockefeller, and some speculated he could eventually make a run for the White House.

But on Monday, the New York Times reported Spitzer had been caught on a federal wiretap last month as he arranged to meet a prostitute. Spitzer apologized to his family at a news conference, saying he had violated his, "or any -- sense of right and wrong."
What? You've got to be kidding me. Since when did a Defeat-ocrat worry about "right and wrong"?

Attention Governor Spitzer's staff: you are going about this the completely wrong way. You need to have a party tomorrow, similar to Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's Impeachment Pep Rally. Remember that? After all, this is just about sex. It doesn't really matter. Put the FBI on the defensive. Ask them why they're going around looking at people's sex lives. Tell them they need to get to work solving real crimes.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

District 130 voters to the Republican Establishment: Go away!

Way to go District 130 voters! You told the RINO crowd to get lost. You were not persuaded by all the outside-the-district campaign contributions. You told the Austin big-wigs that passing the largest tax increase in Texas history is not a Republican thing to do. Thank you for sending that message to the Republican party. I'm sure we all hope someone's listening.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Have you voted today?

It's your duty. American men and women have given their lives to assure us the privilegde of voting. Don't waste the treasure they have purchased.

And if you don't vote, I don't want to hear you complaining!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

"What are Barack Obama's legislative accomplishements?"

Simple question.

Perhaps Senator Obama is the Defeat-ocrat version of Ron Paul, although I'm certain we're allowed to speak Ron Paul's middle name.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Voting recommendations

Mr. Light Bulb kindly asks for your consideration of the following candidates in the following races:

  • House District 130 - Please vote for Alan Fletcher. The incumbent, Corbin Van Arsdale, is no where to be seen, except now that he's in serious jeopardy of losing his house seat he's all over the place. Van Arsdale voted for the largest tax increase in Texas history, he voted for the Trans Texas Corridor, he voted for the Granny tax. And there's lots more bad votes. Dan Patrick and Paul Bettencourt have asked Van Arsdale many times for help with appraisal caps to no avail.

  • Congressional District 14 - Please vote for Chris Peden. The incumbent, Ron Paul, is a kook.

  • Harris County Judge - Please vote for Charles Bacarisse. The incumbent, Ed Emmett, has been appointed (more like anointed) by the establishment Republicans. We Republicans don't anoint people. We elect them. Emmett has already tried to raise toll rates and does not see our illegal immigration problem as something to worry about. Charles has already been hard at work on the problem.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lower tax rates lead to higher revenues . . . in Hong Kong

Yet another example of the demonstrated effects of lower tax rates.

Hong Kong's financial chief said Wednesday he will cut salary and corporate taxes and abolish duty on beer and wine after a booming economy pushed the city's budget surplus to a record high.

In his maiden budget speech, Financial Secretary John Tsang said he would increase spending on health services and introduce measures to bridge the widening wealth gap and reduce air pollution.

Duty on beer and wine -- currently at 40 percent -- will be cut with immediate effect.

Tsang estimated the budget surplus would reach a record 115.6 billion dollars (14.8 billion US) in the fiscal year to March, four and a half times the government's forecast and nearly twice as much as last year's figure.

The territory's fiscal reserves will reach 484.9 billion dollars, he said.

Tsang attributed the surplus to higher-than-expected tax revenues from the city's booming stock and property markets as well as company profits and salaries.

Tsang fulfilled the government's last year promise to cut salaries tax to 15 percent in 2008-09 from 16 percent and the corporate tax rate to 16.5 percent from 17.5 percent.

He also announced a one-off tax reduction of 75 percent of salaries tax and tax under personal assessment with a ceiling of 25,000 dollars.

[emphasis mine]
Wonder when we'll see our own lower tax rates made permanent?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

William F. Buckley Jr. - 1925-2008

The leader of modern conservative thinking has passed away.

He died while at work; if he had been given a choice on how to depart this world, I suspect that would have been exactly it. At home, still devoted to the war of ideas.
And what a warrior he was. See him slay the dragon of "too much conservatism is a bad thing":
Now, David Gergen was the Director of Communications at the White House for several years before pulling out a few months ago to return to private life. You will not be surprised to learn that he thinks Mr. Reagan needs to bring "new energy and ideas into a second term." You will not be surprised that new ideas always, but always, involve more social spending at home together with more regulation; and, abroad, more appeasement.


But the zinger is the foreign-policy plank for the New Reagan. You've guessed it? right. He must turn his "creative energies to building a different, closer relationship with Moscow." Why not a "Soviet specialist" to advise him? Say, Richard Barnet from the Institute for Policy Studies. Can't "more heavyweight strategic thinkers be found to come into the Administration in a second term"? Somebody like, oh, Herbert Scoville? You will notice that the softer you are, in that world, the heavier you are. Churchill would have been such a lightweight he'd have floated.

What Mr. Gergen has in mind for President Reagan's second term is that he should ignore conservative thought domestically and, abroad, revise weakward our policy of resistance to Soviet encroachment. Not bad, this agenda, for one man. It calls merely for undoing the Federalist Papers, and unliving Lenin. And progressing into history with the force and personality of a vanilla milkshake.
Or read his incredulity as bad weather and poor responses become the fault of the Bush Administration.
"As the water recedes," Dowd explains, "more and more decaying bodies will testify to the callous and stumblebum administration response to Katrina's rout of 90,000 square miles of the South." Another planted axiom. It is that the Bush Administration, to return to the language of Mr. Friedman, "has engaged in a tax giveaway since 9/11 that has had one underlying assumption: There will never be another rainy day."

The gravamen against Bush becomes plain: The Bush administration insisted "on cutting more taxes, even when that has contributed to incomplete levees and too small an army to deal with Katrina, Osama, and Saddam at the same time.”

The proposition that the Federal Government under George W. Bush has been shortchanging welfare is in astonishing conflict with the figures. Under Bush, federal spending increases have been at the fastest rate in 30 years. Non-defense discretionary spending under Bush has grown by 35.7 percent, the highest rate of federal government growth since the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson.

Again, the planted axiom is that the New Orleans levee has been for years a national pustule that George Bush refused to lance because he didn't want to drain the money needed by Dick Cheney to buy his waterfront estate. If New Orleans was conspicuous for its vulnerability, why hadn't the city’s articulate mayor, or his fellow Democrat the articulate governor, said something about it? Why did it not figure in the demands of the Democratic party at its convention in Boston? How explain the silence on the subject of candidate John Kerry?
You can read much more at the National Review Online archives of Mr. Buckley's writings.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

On Valentine's Day

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

— Proverbs 31:30
How I love you, My Beautiful One.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

What kind of crazy talk is this? Music can NOT change the world?

First we find out Botox is not perfectly safe, and now this?

Canadian folk rock legend Neil Young said he has lost all hope that music can change the world, as he presented a documentary about his 2006 anti-war concert tour at the Berlin film festival on Friday.

"I know that the time when music could change the world is past. I really doubt that a single song can make a difference. It is a reality," Young told reporters.

"I don't think the tour had any impact on voters."
Again, I'm stunned. I mean, really, just think of all the many wars that have been ended by a great song. And all the riots that have melted away by playing just the right tune. And now we hear it can't really happen after all.

Neil, where's your faith?
Young said he deliberately included interviews with unimpressed critics and soldiers who served in Iraq and Afghanistan in the documentary of his band's "Freedom of Speech" reunion tour, which earned them both praise and death threats.

"Otherwise I thought it would just feel like a bunch of old hippies. And nobody would care. I would not, I would have left," said Young, who directs his films under the pseudonym Bernard Shakey.
No, no, no, Neil. No one would ever think of you and your friends as just a bunch of old hippies. Never ever. I mean it.

For sure, dude.

Friday, February 08, 2008

What? Botox might not be perfectly safe?

I'm stunned. The FDA is reviewing the safety of Botox.

Regulators said on Friday they were reviewing the safety of Allergan Inc's Botox and a competing product after reports of deaths and serious reactions in some patients.
This is incredibly puzzling. Botox might not be perfectly safe? Botox, a form of Botulinum toxin, might not be perfectly safe? Botox, made from one of the most poisonous naturally occurring substances in the world, might not be perfectly safe? Injecting small amounts of a highly poinsonous substance diectly under the skin might not be perfectly safe? Really?

Who knew.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

We are doomed

Mitt Romney's "suspension" of his campaign all but guarantees Juan McAmnesty as the Republican candidate.

John McCain effectively sealed the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday as chief rival Mitt Romney suspended his faltering campaign. "I must now stand aside, for our party and our country," Romney told conservatives.

"If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror," Romney told the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.
That's it. The mainstream media now has the Republican candidate they've longed for: a liar, a liberal, and hot under the collar. I wish I could sit back and watch the impending train wreck with morbid fascination. Unfortunately, it will be the ruination of our party.

How repugnant.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

What in the world is going on?


Are you kidding me? He's still around?

It's bad enough that Juan McAmnesty has won a number of states. But how in the world did Huckabee win more states than Romney? Good grief.

I'm sorry to say it, but we're doomed.

Quick! Somebody get this woman some HillaryCare, now!

Follow these simple directions:
  • Go to your local Department of Healthcare station (much like the Department of Motor Vehicles)
  • Fill out the "Cough Suppressant Requisition" forms, in triplicate, of course
  • Fill out the "Doctor Exam Requisition" forms, again in triplicate
  • Wait three weeks
  • Receive call notifying you of doctor appointment time, in four weeks
  • Visit doctor at scheduled appointment, receive exam and cough suppressant prescription
  • Drop off prescription at local, government-run pharmacy
  • Pick up cough suppressant, two weeks later
  • Get well
If you disagree with any of the above scheduling, you can appeal any of these decisions to your local Healthcare Ombudsman by filling out the approrpriate form, in triplicate.