Saturday, January 05, 2008

Both beatables won in Iowa

BAD - Huckabee won. He is not a conservative, bad on immigration, bad on fiscal responsibility, bad on the war. He will be easily beatable in November if he gets the nomination. It will be a replay of the 2006 elections. People voted in 2004 for representatives they thought were conservative, but when those representatives got into office they behaved like liberals instead. So when 2006 came around the people went ahead and voted for liberals thinking, "why should I vote for a conservative to be liberal when I can vote for a liberal to be liberal."

GOOD - Obama won. He is very beatable in November. He has yet to be asked a question about his record. When those questions are asked (by someone other than Her Vileness), the public will see him for the socialist he is.

GREAT - Her Vileness lost. The candidate of inevitability is no longer inevitable. And she's down by 10 in New Hampshire.

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