Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ten years ago today

It was just ten short years ago today that we began to learn just how much William Jefferson Blythe Clinton would choose to tarnish the office of President.

On the evening of Saturday January 17, 1998, the internet gossip merchant Matt Drudge posted a story that opened the most sensational scandal season in the history of the American presidency. He reported that Newsweek magazine had killed a story about President Clinton’s sexual relationship with a former intern. The next day he had her name: Monica Lewinsky.

The mainstream media were slow to catch up, but by the following Tuesday they were reporting that Clinton was being investigated for encouraging others to lie to cover up the affair.

For the next year the story dominated the headlines as Clinton was investigated, impeached and eventually found not guilty of high crimes and misdemeanours in a Senate trial.
And now another Clinton seeks the same office, the "enabler" you might call her.
She [Kathleen Willey] believes that Clinton is a sex addict and Hillary is an enabler. “Rather than address the problem, it’s this ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’. Rather than give him an ultimatum and kick him out and say you are not coming back until you get well, she has enabled his behaviour and it hasn’t stopped.

Really, how much public humiliation can one woman stand?”

She goes as far as to call Hillary Clinton “evil” for what she believes was her role in trying to destroy the credibility of the women who claimed sexual relationships with her husband. “A lot of women out there are voting for the first time and are excited about voting for a woman. This country is certainly ready to be run by a woman. Just not this woman.”
From her lips to the voters' ears.

1 comment:

Call Me Mom said...

Amen to Kathleen Wiley's sentiments. Mrs. Clinton has done irreparable damage not only to the coountry, herself and her husband by enabling this behavior, but to her own daughter.
Such irresponsibility in her primary role as a parent,(And I don't care if you are the ruler of the world, if you have children, your duty to them comes before your duty to anyone outside your family), does not make me inclined to vote for her as president.

I don't think the country can survive the "care" of someone who would do that to their child.