Thursday, April 27, 2006

Books, Books, Books

I love books. I love collecting books. I love reading books. And now, since I have a blog, I'll be reviewing books.

Please understand, however, that I have neither the money nor the time to review every best seller that hits the market. In fact, I get most of my books from either the clearance rack at local bookstores or from Edward R. Hamilton Bookseller. I highly recommend them.

Therefore, my reviews will be of books that have been out for quite a while, many times years. I'll do my best to tie my review to current events. (I don't think it will be hard to do.) So you've been warned: book reviews of non-current books are headed your way.


Anonymous said...

Or you could just borrow them
from you-know-who. And I
don't mean the library.

S. said...

If thou (KW) meanest me, it's only because you haven't seen Mr.L's library.

By the way, he gave me two of my top favorites: What I Saw at the Revolution, by Peggy Noonan, and the force behind two dozen posts on judicial philosophy, The Tempting of America, by Robert Bork.

But, maybe you meant someone else....

Anonymous said...

Who else do I know who has a collection of books to rival
yours? We get rid of ours
as soon as possible to avoid
the clutter, since we will
never read them again. Well, except for your dad's college
text books and his other boring
technical stuff. And the 5 or
6 he's started and never