Friday, June 16, 2006

Social Security for Illegal Aliens

My Congressman is a wonderful guy. He is the Honorable John Culberson (R-TX). Being a conservative and being from Houston, illegal immigration is one of his key areas of interest. And my Congressman is on the correct side of the issue. He recently made an alarming discovery. Did you know that the Bush Administration signed a Totalization Agreement with Mexico on June 29, 2004. What does this "Totalization Agreement" do? Are you sitting down?

...the White House will not let Congress see it [the agreement], which makes me very suspicious. Reliable reports tell me that this agreement will put every illegal alien from Mexico and their entire extended family anywhere in the world on our overburdened Social Security system.
Here's the rest of Rep. Culberson's statement. (Don't worry. John is on the case. He was even on Your World with Cavuto today discussing the issue!)

Now that I have your attention...The United States Social Security System is already the largest legalized Ponzi Scheme in the universe. Why in the world are people trying to make it even bigger and even more of a scheme?


Anonymous said...

Because they are totally nuts.
There can be no rational explanation for these idiots.

S. said...

Excellent post. What is with George W.? I cannot figure it out--except to assume he's after some elusive "hispanic" vote. I think that he thinks the Mexicans are going to take over this nation either way, so the GOP better establish the greater foothold.

I'd prefer a politician still willing to fight, to put up a fence, and to talk tough. After all, Vincente Fox will say anything, do anything. But we could put up a fence and take better care of the ones who are here.

On another note, I'm not so sure I want to see the Democrat party die out completely, as Bush apparently hopes. They died in Texas and left us with a state full of RINOs. I don't want that on the national level.