Friday, June 30, 2006

USA Today "cannot confirm" their story

Back in May, I posted about Leslie Cauley and her work to become the next Mary Mapes. Sure enough, just as CBS did with Ms. Mapes screed, USA Today has issued a correction to its readers. Here's the substantive paragraph:

Based on its reporting after the May 11 article, USA TODAY has now concluded that while the NSA has built a massive domestic calls record database involving the domestic call records of telecommunications companies, the newspaper cannot confirm that BellSouth or Verizon contracted with the NSA to provide bulk calling records to that database.
Can you imagine being so blinded with hatred that you'll do anything and say anything just to make your President and your Government look bad?

But Mr. Light Bulb, you right-wingers did the same thing with Clinton!

No, no, no. We simply pointed out the truth, snickered at his incompetence, and sneered at his vileness. He did the rest for us.

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