The Largest Tax Increase in Texas History
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, our state legislature here in Texas was presented with an $8.2 billion surplus. For me and many others, this represents $8.2 billion of over-taxation. Our legislators didn't see it that way. Instead, in a fit of unadulterated, tax-and-spend liberalism, they decided to pass the largest tax increase in Texas history. Please understand that both houses of the legislature are (supposedly) controlled by the Republican Party in Texas. Furthermore, no small number of Republicans in both houses voted FOR the tax increase. Sadly, this past Wednesday, our (supposedly) Republican governor, Rick Perry, signed this bill into law instituting (just in case I didn't get through) the largest tax increase in Texas history. This is House Bill (HB) 1. Another bill, HB 3, instituted a new franchise tax in our state. It passed and was signed on May 19. (I'll have more later concerning the anticipated effects of these ridiculous pieces of legislature.)
How does this kind of thing happen? How do people, who were sent to Austin to represent their constituents in accordance with a common set of principles and a known party platform, veer so far from that known path? I visited the Republican Party of Texas web site, and found the most recent Republican Party platform. Here's item number four:
We believe that government spending is out of control and needs to be reduced. We support fundamental, immediate tax reform that is simple, fair, and fully disclosed. We commend President George W. Bush’s principled stand to reduce taxes and stimulate the economy.What's so difficult to understand about that?
This weekend is the state Republican Party convention in San Antonio. To those of you attending, here are some requests. Can someone administer some discipline to our legislators, our Lieutenant Government (although, he may be beyond help), and our Governor? Can someone tell them that this is NOT the way Republicans are supposed to govern? Can someone show them our party platform? Most importantly, can someone please tell them that we will remember this?Tell them that we're the real elephants; we won't forget.
1 comment:
Sad, sad news. Thanks. I guess the problem with such GOP domination is all the Democrat/liberals in GOP clothing: not elephants, but RINOs.
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