Tuesday, January 30, 2007

They spray painted the Capitol building

The Hate America crowd was allowed to deface the Capitol.

Anti-war protesters were allowed to spray paint on part of the west front steps of the United States Capitol building after police were ordered to break their security line by their leadership, two sources told The Hill.

According to the sources, police officers were livid when they were told to fall back by U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) Chief Phillip Morse andDeputy Chief Daniel Nichols. "They were the commanders on the scene," one source said, who requested anonymity. "It was disgusting."
More evidence that tells us the United States may never win another war again.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

We may never win another war

Remember the National Guardsmen who, when they saw invaders, retreated from our border following standard operating procedure? Well, they'll be receiving commendations . . . for retreating.

Four Tennessee National Guard members who retreated from their post along Arizona's southern border when they were confronted by gunmen from Mexico will receive commendations for their actions.
How do you win a war if you're too busy running away?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Forty years ago today...

Our nation experienced a great tragedy. We were in a race with the Evil Empire to reach the Moon before them. Our greatest minds and most experienced pilots were focused on getting there first. But in our rush to be first, important things were overlooked, and three Americans were killed; Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. Today, they were remembered at Cape Canaveral.

"Each of these individuals knew they were part of something larger than themselves," said Mick Ukleka, chairman of the Astronaut Memorial Foundation. "The risk was not reckless. It was well thought out. But it is dangerous."

They are heroes we should never forget.

"The vaulting ambition of America's Lady Macbeth"

That's the title of an article by Gerard Baker in the Times Online that I found via Michelle Malkin.

There are many reasons people think Mrs Clinton will not be elected president. She lacks warmth; she is too polarising a figure; the American people don’t want to relive the psychodrama of the eight years of the Clinton presidency.

But they all miss this essential counterpoint. As you consider her career this past 15 years or so in the public spotlight, it is impossible not to be struck, and even impressed, by the sheer ruthless, unapologetic, unshameable way in which she has pursued this ambition, and confirmed that there is literally nothing she will not do, say, think or feel to achieve it. Here, finally, is someone who has taken the black arts of the politician’s trade, the dissembling, the trimming, the pandering, all the way to their logical conclusion.
Now, you may have noticed that I do not like Her Vileness. Good for you. In case you haven't noticed, let me be clear; I detest this woman and rue the day she might attain the presidency.

If a democrat is elected president in 2008, that will be bad. That person will surely have Supreme Court appointments. One of the liberal justices (can't remember which one) doesn't even attend regular meetings anymore; he just calls in from home due to the state of his health. And Ginsberg is said to be in poor health herself. Moreover the left would direct our foreign policy and would most assuredly see to it that the United States goes down in defeat against the Terrorists.

But if Her Vileness is elected president...

I will be truly fearful for the damage she will do. And don't you believe this drivel that "she has too much baggage to be elected president." Remember that her husband was elected—twice. If our nation was stupid enough to do that, then our nation is stupid enough to elect her.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The budget deficit is shrinking . . . again

There's one fewer thing for the lefties to complain about: a large budget deficit.

Bumper tax receipts are shrinking the U.S. budget gap with surprising speed, but economists worry a brighter near-term picture will encourage more spending or breed complacency about the looming strains from retiring baby boomers.


Massive corporate and individual tax payments led to a record December surplus, which brought the deficit for the first quarter of fiscal 2007 down to $80.4 billion from $119.38 billion a year earlier.
But how can this be? President Bush lowered tax rates, that means the deficit should go up. Right?

Yes, it should, if you're a liberal and you have no clue about supply-side economics. But for all of us who live within the realm of reality, this is old news.

Oopps! The left hand didn't talk to the other left hand

Remember when the House passed a minimum wage/unemployment increase as part of their "first hundred hours"? Well, the Senate voted yesterday . . . to NOT pass it.

Democrats' promise of a quick increase in the minimum wage ran aground Wednesday in the Senate, where lawmakers are insisting it include new tax breaks for restaurants and other businesses that rely on low-pay workers.

On a 54-43 vote, liberals lost an effort to advance a House-passed bill that would lift the pay floor from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour without any accompanying tax cut. Opponents of the tax cut needed 60 votes to prevail.

The vote sent a message to House Democrats and liberals in the Senate that only a hybrid tax and minimum wage package could succeed in the Senate. But any tax breaks in the bill would put the Senate on a collision course with the House, which is required by the Constitution to initiate tax measures.
Guess the lefties' honeymoon is over. And so soon?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Amnesty-peddling Martinez set to lead the RNC

I guess some people refuse to learn. At their first meeting of the year last week in Washington, the RNC elected as their General Chairman Senator Mel Martinez, a supporter of President Bush's amnesty for illegal aliens policy. I can say (with a small degree of pride) that I personally wrote both my district and my state GOP chairpersons asking them to vote against Martinez. I don't know how they voted (but I'll follow up with them). But I found out that someone in the GOP was as unhappy with Martinez as was I.

A member of the Republican National Committee from President Bush's home state yesterday escalated the rebellion against Mr. Bush's choice to head the committee going into the 2008 presidential elections.

Texas RNC member Denise McNamara said the attempt by Mr. Bush's supporters on the national committee to name Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida as general chairman "is like pouring gas on an already smoldering electorate," citing Mr. Martinez's role in promoting last year's "comprehensive" immigration bill in the Senate. [emphasis mine]

"Choosing an RNC chairman who supports amnesty [for illegal aliens] is tantamount to telling the conservative majority of Americans that they do not matter."
Way to go Denise! Too bad we don't have more of you.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

"I'm Hillary Rodham Clinton, and I DON'T approve of this message."

Well, I almost don't know what to say about this. It's . . . wonderful. I was surfing over at the great Michele Malkin's blog and came across this post on Hot Air, her video companion blog.

Oh my.

I mean, OH MY!

You've really got to see this. I've embedded the video below myself. The liberals at Saturday Night Live decided to tell the truth about Her Vileness. Mind you, they're not supposed to. They should have been following the liberals playbook. But someone at SNL thought otherwise, and this is the result. WARNING: there are bleeped obscenities near the end of the video, about the last minute or so.

For humor to work, it must be grounded in the truth.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Guard your wife and kids; she's "beginning a conversation"

Hillary Evita Clinton announced today that she will be running for President.

In a videotaped message posted on her Web site, Clinton said she was eager to start a dialogue with voters about challenges she hoped to tackle as president - affordable health care, deficit reduction and bringing the "right" end to the Iraq war.

"I'm not just starting a campaign, though, I'm beginning a conversation with you, with America," she said. "Let's talk. Let's chat. The conversation in Washington has been just a little one-sided lately, don't you think?"
Well sure, when it comes to you, the conversation is always one-sided. The real question is will you really have a conversation with someone? You see, in a conversation you are allowed to ask questions and propose answers, but then you must also listen to another party ask questions and propose answers. Here are some questions I might propose:
  • Exactly and with excruciating specificity how did you make all that money in the cattle futures market?
  • Seriously, what was your relationship with Vince Foster?
  • Why were you so insistent on getting the White House travel staff fired?
  • Will you try once again to nationalize one-seventh of our nation's economy with your demonstrably doomed socialized health care nightmare?
  • You (presumably) shared marriage vows with William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, yet he can't seem to keep them. Of the women who have publicly claimed some type of sexual interaction with your husband, wanted or unwanted, of how many were you aware prior to their public revelation?
    1. Monica Lewinsky
    2. Paula Jones
    3. Christy Zercher
    4. Gennifer Flowers
    5. Elizabeth Ward Gracen
    6. Sally Perdue
    7. Kathleen Willey
    8. Dolly Kyle Browning
    9. Juanita Broaddrick
Just a few questions for starters. Plenty more where those came from.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Hypocrisy, thy name be Pelosi

"Bug Eyes" Pelosi, that is. You see, when the Defeat-ocrats voted for a minimum wage hike/increase in unemployment a couple of days ago, they exempted American Samoa from the increase.

So what?

Oh, nothing really. Except that StarKist Tuna owns two packing plants in American Samoa.

And StarKist is owned by the Delmonte Corporation.

And Delmonte is headquartered in San Francisco.

And San Francisco is represented by . . . (together, everyone) . . . Bug Eyes Pelosi.

The bill also extends for the first time the federal minimum wage to the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands. However, it exempts American Samoa, another Pacific island territory that would become the only U.S. territory not subject to federal minimum-wage laws.

One of the biggest opponents of the federal minimum wage in Samoa is StarKist Tuna, which owns one of the two packing plants that together employ more than 5,000 Samoans, or nearly 75 percent of the island's work force. StarKist's parent company, Del Monte Corp., has headquarters in San Francisco, which is represented by Mrs. Pelosi. The other plant belongs to California-based Chicken of the Sea.

"There's something fishy going on here," said Rep. Patrick T. McHenry, North Carolina Republican.

During the House debate yesterday on stem-cell research, Mr. McHenry raised a parliamentary inquiry as to whether an amendment could be offered that would exempt American Samoa from stem-cell research, "just as it was for the minimum-wage bill."

A clearly perturbed Rep. Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat who was presiding, cut off Mr. McHenry and shouted, "No, it would not be."

"So, the chair is saying I may not offer an amendment exempting American Samoa?" Mr. McHenry pressed.

"The gentleman is making a speech and will sustain," Mr. Frank shouted as he slammed his large wooden gavel against the rostrum.
Poor liberals, they just can't help themselves.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Defeat-ocrats vote for abortion-focused false hope

Today the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives voted 253-174 to allow federal tax dollars to be used for embryonic stem cell research, otherwise known as the destruction of human life for research purposes.

This vote, by the way, fulfills a second promise the Defeat-ocrats made before the election. Let's see, higher unemployment, murder in the name of research . . . can't wait to see what's next.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cut-and-run-ocrats vote to increase unemployment

In a perfect example of economic illiteracy, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives voted 315-116 to make it more expensive to hire workers by increasing the federally-mandated minimum wage and thus increasing our nation's unemployment rate.

Business groups and other critics said it could lead to higher prices for goods and services, force small companies to pink-slip existing workers or hire fewer new ones, and crimp profits.
But that's what liberalism is - doing something because it feels good, not because it's the correct thing to do.

If we had a war, nobody would come

When you think it can't get worse...

My previous post concerned the invasion of our nation by gunmen from Mexico into Arizona on Thursday, January 4, and the retreat of our National Guard from their posts. Here is the official statement regarding the retreat from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Congressional Affairs. And here's the money quote:

One of the subjects approached the observation post and came within 20 yards of the site. Following standard operating procedure, the national Guardsmen slowly retreated to their vehicle and drove approximately 200 yards away from the site. A CBP air asset arrived on scene within minutes and flew over the area assessing the risk. Five Border Patrol ground Agents were on-site within 10 minutes of the initial call. The ground agents and the air asset tracked the subjects back into Mexico.
Following standard operating procedure. Did someone forget to tell them that they're the National GUARD and not the National YIELD?

Friday, January 05, 2007

What if we had a war and nobody came?

Much like the invasion from Mexico that happened yesterday in Arizona.

A U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun Wednesday night along Arizona's border with Mexico.

According to the Border Patrol, an unknown number of gunmen attacked the site in the state's West Desert Region around 11 p.m. The site is manned by National Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat.
I'm going to repeat that last sentence: "Those guardsmen were forced to retreat." Hey Governor Perry, if this had happened on the Texas border, how much effect would border cameras have had?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It just keeps growing, and growing, and growing...

$4,500,000,000 - State of Texas budget surplus estimate prior to April 2006

$8,000,000,000 - State of Texas budget surplus estimate on April 17, 2006 by comptroller Strayhorn

$15,500,000,000 - State of Texas budget surplus estimate by House Spekaer Tom Craddick

Money quote by my new state senator, Dan Patrick:

"Texans are fair and reasonable people, and if we have a huge surplus, I think most of them would say, 'Let's set some aside because we never know what the future holds. And let's take some of it and address specific crucial needs,' " he said.

"But most of it should come back to us. Because government never fails at spending every dollar we send them. And, quite frankly, there could be a $30 billion surplus and there would be people saying we shouldn't send any back."
Suppose you were overcharged for something at a grocery store. When you go back to the store and demonstrate the overcharge to the store owner, he tells you he's keeping your money. What side would win the case in court?

Why doesn't government follow the laws of reality?

Monday, January 01, 2007

A prayer to begin 2007

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your Son in whose righteousness I can come before You. Help me be more like Him.
Thank You for my beautiful wife. Help me love her more every day.
Thank You for my beautiful children. Help me love them more and train them every day to be strong and wise leaders for You.
Thank You for my family, my friends, and my loved ones. Help me to give more of myself to them.
Thank You for my job. Help me to work hard and well.
Thank you for my country. Help me to act and speak with wisdom and passion for it's blessings.

Before You laid the foundations of the world, You knew I would sit here tonight, completely undeserving of Your love and forgiveness, yet their grateful recipient solely through the sacrifice of Your Son. Make me mindful every day of 2007 of how much You love me.

I pray these things and I believe these things in the precious name of Your Son,
and His name is Jesus,
