Monday, May 01, 2006

It's the new May Day

During the Cold War, which was won by Ronald Reagan, the former Soviet Union, which now lies on the ash heap of history, needed to continually prove to the world that Communism and Socialism really worked. One of the ways it tried to accomplish this impossible task was to put its military strength on display from time to time for all the world to see—in a completely non-threatening, warm-fuzzy-inducing kind of way, of course. Much the same way a mugger might approach you and say:

Greetings, fellow citizen. I'd like to prove to you that thievery and violence are perfectly acceptable, functional, and sustainable ways of life. See my shiny new gun? It has the capability of blowing your brains out, should I choose to fire it at you. I see that you're impressed. Now would be the appropriate time to hand over all of your money.
The former Soviet Union did this each year on May 1st, or May Day. Across, over, and through Moscow Square, missiles and tanks would roll, planes would fly, and troops would parade past the sitting Soviet leader, as a show to the world that Communism and Socialism would one day be coming to an economy and government near you.

I wonder what sentiments we can infer from today's May Day activities here on our very own soil?

More as the day progresses...


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