Monday, May 15, 2006

Speech tonight: will he pull a rabbit from his hat?

Our President will address the nation this evening. Unfortunately, I will not be able to watch it, as I will be somewhere near the California-Nevada border at around 30,000 feet.

The professional bloggers have been gearing up for days, it seems. The intrepid Michelle Malkin has a link-fest of a posting on her site, all fantastic information. And, from her site, Allah has posted the "mother-of-all-Bush-speech-posts" on Michelle's companion site, Hot Air. Wow. These are the times that I feel inadequate having a blog. Still, I'll say something.

But first (just so you know my mindset), how do I feel, generally, about George W. Bush? Truthfully, he is the right man for the job. I mean, let's be serious. Can you even imagine where our nation would be today had Albert Gore, Jr. been in the Whitehouse when September 11, 2001 happened? What a nightmare. Similarly, can you imagine what kind of global predicament we'd be experiencing today if John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, had won the 2004 election? I believe the fact that GWB won both of these elections is a blessing from Almighty God. Moreover, the team he assembled — Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condeleza Rice, and so many others — were the right people for those jobs as well. They did their jobs expertly and continue to prosecute this war on terror.

I have quite an imagination, when I have time to employ it. One of the things I have imagined since my late 20's, was receiving a visit from the President of the United States. I've imagined this as sort of like winning a national lottery, if you will. Five or ten citizens are selected at random to receive the Present and the First Lady as guests in their home. I'm selected and fix a nice dinner (under the eyes of Secret Service personnel) for the first couple.

Now, if this had happened before 2001, I would have microwaved a couple of Lean Cuisine dinners, told the verminous, excreable William Jefferson Blythe Clinton what I thought of him, and sent him on his way. I would have said even less to her vileness, his wife, the swamp sow.

But if George and Laura Bush came to visit, well . . .

I would get out the fine china. I'd fix one of my best recipes. My wife would look stunning, as she can so easily do. My children would be squeaky clean and dressed like catalog-model children. The Bushes would enter. I might be overcome to tears at seeing them enter my house. We'd have some small talk, let them meet the kids, see our house. Then we'd all sit down to dinner. I would pray and thank God for our meal, for our President, for our nation, for the many blessings we have as Americans. We'd eat, and hopefully they'd like it. Then I'd ask my first question:

Mr. President, last night it is estimated that over 30,000 people illegally crossed the border from Mexico into the United States. Can you guarantee me that not one of those 30,000 people were carrying a suitcase nuclear weapon? And if you can't, what did you do today and what will you do tomorrow that will reduce that number from 30,000 down to 0 by tomorrow?
That's where my imagination stops, because I think I don't want to finish the scene.

I pray that, with his speech tonight, he will change this scene in my imagination from a nightmare into a hopeful dream.

1 comment:

S. said...

Can I be a fly on the wall? Cheney's on Rush--gotta go.