Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fauxtography: it's the new black

What would we do without a blogosphere? We'd get lied to a whole lot more, that's what! After Rathergate, you'd think these people would learn a lesson. You'd think. A brief round-up:

Nagging thought that keeps me awake at night (seriously): how many times pre-blogosphere did they get away with this?


Michael Tams said...

Mr. LB,

We've got problems, that's for sure. One might say that the conclusion of the Vietnam War was one big media-induced collapse.

I loved the toys link, that was great.

I've been thinking about the willfully ignorant for some time now. I don't know that there's anything we can do about them. For the rest of us, thank God for the internet and talk radio.


Mr. Light Bulb said...

Well, I see two groups. One group, like you say, willfully ignorant, has set their course. Only they can change their mind.

But I see another group, unwillfully ignorant if you will, that think they're getting the truth from the drive-by media. It's up to us (their friends and family) to educate them as best we can about bias and "Fauxtography".