Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Where is the Greatest Generation?

That's the question asked by Max Conservative on his self-named blog.

On December 8, 1941, one lone voice voted against the war with Japan. Today, a whole political party is opposed to the war against terror.

What happened to the political opposition? Why didn't the Republicans use every set back during the war to gain political points? Everyone tried to remember Pearl Harbor, and the sneak attack. Remember Pearl Harbor was the cry through the war. No one screamed that Germans had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor, we were determined to destroy all enemies, no matter if they personally participated in the attack or not. We didn't limit our vengeance on the Japanese Navy, nor the Japanesee Air Forces. Why are we told that the images of 9-11 are harmful?
I recommend a visit.

1 comment:

Michael Tams said...


WWII might have been unique. I'm reading an excellent biography of Lincoln (see my profile for details) by Carwardine, of which here's an excerpt:

"Even Democrats who saw the need for war, and blamed the South for its onset, were not easily persuaded to drop party politics for the duration of hostilities."

And later:

"Many continued to dismiss Republicans as Yankee-Puritan fanatics, bigots, zealots, meddlers and ideological imperialists."

The more things change the more they stay the same, right?

The obvious difference in WWII? The Republicans were the "opposition" party. In case you're wondering where the seditious political speech was, there probably wasn't much of any.