Saturday, August 19, 2006

Who has the secret hold on S. 2590?

I'm a fiscal conservative, and I assume many of my readers are as well. We want to be able to send as little money as possible to the IRS, and we want that money to be spent wisely and frugally (not that that will ever happen), right? I work hard for my money, and I despise the thought of it wasted away in some useless bureaucratic program. And, if I ever tried a personal version of "deficit spending" I'd be in either irrecoverable debt or jail (probably both).

Imagine then if I were to tell you that a couple of senators have proposed a website that would provide information on nearly all recipients of federal funding. We would call this "a good thing." Well, Senators Coburn and Obama have done just such a thing - S. 2590. But it's being blocked by a SECRET HOLD. (That sounds ridiculous, right? But I'm not making it up. Read the story.) I've already asked mine, so if you're reading this outside of the state of Texas, ask your two senators point blank whether or not they are holding S. 2590.

Big hat tip to


Michael Tams said...

Mr. LB,

I'd say that nothing surprises me about Washington... but this is a new one on me. Obama's one of mine, I'll have to see about Turban. Excuse me! Durbin was what I meant to say. That was a genuine slip, like how sometimes I revert to calling the other Senator from the once proud State of Illinois Barack Osama. Liberals *love* that.


Mr. Light Bulb said...

Mr. Hamilton,

Yes, you're right, nothing should surprise us, but really . . . a "secret" hold? Just more proof that the United States Senate is more of a country club than a once great deliberative body.

Ooo, I bet they love Barack Osama too. That guy is well worthy of scrutiny. Had I not been speaking well of him myself I might have called him the Socialist Senator from Illinois.

From my archives, here's an earlier post on Turban Durbin. (You may have already seen it.)

Mr. Light Bulb