Tuesday, August 08, 2006

This should be fun

Today's the day we find out whether or not the Democratic Party still has either a conscience or a Loon. Stay tuned. I'll update after 7:00 p.m.

8:30 p.m. CDT - 11% reporting in CT - Lamont 56%, Lieberman 44%
8:30 p.m. CDT - 13% reporting in GA 4 - Johnson 73.8%, McKinney 26.2%

9:05 p.m. CDT - 35% reporting of GA 4 - Johnson 61.5%, McKinney 38.5%


Michael Tams said...

Mr. LB,

Seems like a mix. They threw out McKinney and turned their back on Joe. He'll probably retain his seat as an independent, I'd guess. Just as interesting will be DeLay's seat when the time comes. Some interesting things going on in the Lone Star state, right?


Mr. Light Bulb said...

Mr. M
Yep, lost their conscience but lost the Loon. And yes, happenings in TX 22. Alas, I fell asleep too early last night to be effective adn had too busy of a day today to make a post. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.