Friday, August 11, 2006

Texas Congressional District 22

I'm a Texan and a Houstonian, but I've not blogged about Tom Delay, until now. One reason, of course, is that the professional blogosphere has covered the subject so well.

Still, I do have one point to emphasize. It's been made many times, but I think it bears repeating over and over and over until people who don't normally understand such things understand this point. Once again we see the Left accomplishing through the courts what they cannot accomplish through the demonstrated will of the people. A couple of examples:

  • Abortion - the people have constantly voted to affirm the right to life, but the Left used the courts and the Roe vs. Wade decision (which contains exactly zero legal reasoning) to reverse the demonstrated will of the people.
  • Proposition 187 in California - the people of the state of California voted to deny illegal aliens social services, health care, and public education 59% to 41%. Three days later, a judge issued a restraining order against it, thwarting the demonstrated will of the people. It was eventually declared unconstitutional.
Conservatives present ideas to voters. (Are you writing this down, Liberals?) We craft logical arguments in support of those ideas and then seek the votes to implement them. The Left can't do that. If they ever crafted an argument in support of their ideas, they'd loose at the ballot box. Ned Lamont never crafted an argument to get votes. All he did was whine and complain and tell people that he was against the war. We'll see what happens to him in November.

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