Monday, August 14, 2006

Here's what they're thinking in Connecticut

Last Thursday, I pondered what the Nutmeggers might be thinking after voting to oust three-term Senator Joe Lieberman (from the Democratic ticket) and beginning to empty liquids from their carry-on luggage. A bit of an answer appears today in the results of a Rasmussen Poll: Two Days after Primary, Lieberman Ahead by 5.

Seriously, sometimes these posts just write themselves.


Michael Tams said...

Hey, Mr. LB.

Here's a scary number: 52% of Lamont supporters think Bush should be impeached and removed from office.

A lawyer friend of mine thinks that if the Congress goes Democrat, they'll begin impeachment proceedings. He dreads this. I think the silver lining might be that when it fails miserably, the Democrat party is done for.


Mr. Light Bulb said...

52% - that low? I would think the moonbats could come up with more Bush Derangement Syndrome than that.

I concur with your lawyer friend. And not only will they begin proceedings, they'll do the full impeachment if they regain control of the House. The Lefties still can't get over the fact that the only elected and impeached president was their precious Slick Willy. They want to even the score. It's not about principle with them, it's about power.