Thursday, July 27, 2006

I was duped

Last night I posted a message about an horrific story of an Iranian Islamic child's punishment. As it turns out, the story is an urban legend. Lesson learned: research to the source before you post. I have since removed the post.

I take the responsibility of blogging seriously. I do not seek to spew thoughts haphazardly. Rather, I seek to blog purposefully with the intent of informing and/or educating. Therefore, I sincerely apologize to those of you who might have read the errant post. In researching the urban legend, I did find similar original source material. So the intent and message of the post still rings true. Still, that does not excuse being fooled by a hoax and continuing its spread. As regular reader (I can't believe I have regular readers!) TB told me, "you are smarter now than you were yesterday." Let's hope so. I value the treasure of your time and attention too much to spread ignorance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone who ever blogs or sends forwards has completely avoided some hoax or petition or something or other that would be better off left alone. Don't beat yourself up over this one!
It would have been far worse to have ignored it, left us in the dark, and found it to be true,
I think.
Hamas still means "violence," and their hearts are still filled with hate.