Thursday, July 13, 2006

"Islam" does not mean "peace"

It means "submission".

More similarly peaceful pictures here. Thanks to KW for the reference.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but Christianity has a really terrible track record too. I wish it meant peace as I think that was what Jesus wanted, but humans never seem to measure up. And, why is it that so many self-proclaimed "Christians" preach killing, executions, etc., etc., etc., unless they're speaking of the unborn? Personally, I'm really disgusted any more. I'm fed up with all the killing in this world. Tired of "conservatives" who talk the talk but won't walk the walk. It is not conservative or Christian to want to torture, execute, start unnecessary wars, etc. Additionally, I cannot believe that the USA still approves of the death penalty when the scriptures clearly tell us that only God should decide about life and death--not man. Afterall, Jesus was the ultimate death penalty victim--put to death by the state. The state is notoriously uneven and unfair and often just plain wrong.

Not that I am defending Islam--I am disillusioned with all of it right now. Tired of the backstabbing, the blood letting, the hatred, the right wing against the left wing, the whole sick world, the Iraq war, this current administration that speaks out of both sides of its face (and come on now--it really does!).

What's really horrible is that there is not one leader in the USA right now that truly has purity of heart and truly leads for the betterment of Americans and the rest of the world. I had such high hopes in GWB, but he does nothing about really horrendous situations that make me want to throw up, such as the massive rape, mutiliations, and genocide going on in Darfur; yet, he uses "shock and awe" on a nation that was pretty much broken down--and more and more comes out that he knew it all along. He's like some kind of false prophet or a fallen prophet or the one the Bible tells us to watch out for. No, it looks pretty grim out there. Meanwhile, GWB and his group are making darn sure that rich guys pocket more of the pie--I guess so they can buy a third or fourth mansion. Nobody really disputes this any more. The middle class is losing ground... My own job has been outsourced to India and I cried and cried and cried... I feel betrayed by the American company that sold me out--I'm an American! I am so heartsick that a person in India is now doing my job--it's unbelievable This is the reality in America now, and if it hasn't happened to you personally, it has happened to the guy down the street or in your congregation... or his wages are stagnant due to the competition from cheap labor. On top of that, CEOs are compensated like they just won the lottery! Disgusting and again, totally opposite of the teachings of Jesus Christ, but they ALL claim to be Christian. Bah!

Mr. Light Bulb said...

Mr. Anonymous:
My goodness, all over the place with your comment. Given the size of the comment field on Blogger, the size of your comment, and the rapidity with which your comment appeared, one might think it was pre-written....
Nonetheless, here's a start at a reply.
"Christianity has a really terrible track record too"
Yes, Christianity had the Crusades. HAD. Key word. Is Islam unable to learn?
"so many self-proclaimed "Christians" preach killing, executions, etc., etc., etc., unless they're speaking of the unborn"
Because criminals are guilty and unborn babies are innocent.
"It is not conservative or Christian to want to torture, execute, start unnecessary wars"
Torture is not conservative, no. Nor is it being done by US personnel. Executions, well I'd say that's a Conservative thing. Start unnecessary wars, I guess that depends on whether you consider the Terrorist Jihadists conservative or liberal.
More to come.

Mr. Light Bulb said...

"I cannot believe that the USA still approves of the death penalty when the scriptures clearly tell us that only God should decide about life and death"
As it turns out, scripture tells us to punish criminals appropriately. The death penalty is the appropriate penalty for murder. I cannot believe you're against the death penalty (or so I must assume from your comment). I've heard the recidivism rate is really, really low.
"there is not one leader in the USA right now that truly has purity of heart"
Never will be. We all have this genetic condition called "being a human". We can, however, pray for the person sitting in the White House (or wherever else) that God will lead him and that he will listen to God.
"he does nothing about really horrendous situations ... massive rape, mutiliations [sic], and genocide going on in Darfur"
Are you for real?
Oh . . . I forgot. You're right. He should have picked up his magic wand (the same one he used to steer Hurricane Katrina into New Orleans) and wished the suffering away. Never mind that France had thousands of troops in a neighboring country. No, you're right, it's Bush's fault.
More still.

Mr. Light Bulb said...

"My own job has been outsourced to India"
Well, I'm very sorry to hear that. I've been laid-off twice in my carrer. It's not fun. But there's good news. You're a citizen (my assumption) of the United States of America. You, by fiat, live better than 98% of the world's population. Moreover, our nation's economy is roaring. Bush's tax cuts have kept those "evil rich people" from taking their money out of the market. Instead, they've invested it, thus creating opportunity, new businesses, and (you feel it coming?) new jobs. The unemployment rate is somewhere in the 4s, which, for the size of our working population, is statistically nil. You have great opportunity ahead of you.
"I am so heartsick that a person in India is now doing my job"
Here's the harsh economic truth. Indians will do IT work for much less money than Americans will. Companies need to cut costs in order to survive. Simple as that. When China started manufacturing plastic combs years ago for much less money than American factories could produce them for, did we whine? No, we let the Chinese manufacture the combs and we Americas went and invented something else. We're in a similar cycle now with IT.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Light Bulb, thank you for your overwhelming generosity in allowing
"anonymous" to comment on your blog. Few will do that. He/She is hurting, disillusioned, and a total mess of misunderstood theology right now, and merits our prayers as he/she sorts all this out. I pray the love of Jesus will
minister to this person in every way.
And I fully agree with your rebuttal comments. Thanks, again.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I understand that England allowed this as "free speech." I consider it more "inciting to riot"
or something, and I feel Europe will pay a price for tolerating this sort of thing.
We may, too, of course. Pay a price for THEIR wussiness.

S. said...

I like those responses from the bulb. Simple and concise. He's not a man confused by doubts masquerading as "nuance."

Mr. Light Bulb said...

Hey Mr. Anonymous, are you still out there? I welcome further discussion and/or comments to other posts? Got an opinion on limited governnment?